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Yahoo Group Archive: February, 2002

ID Author Date Message
00257bingomiteFri Feb 1 2002 19:02Re: Emile Coué
00258ur_feelingsleepyFri Feb 1 2002 23:23Scissors, rock, stone
00259ur_feelingsleepyFri Feb 1 2002 23:26Re: Scissors, rock, stone
00260miss_emily_chambersSat Feb 2 2002 02:59derren the hamster!!!
00261Gordo_ala_MooreSat Feb 2 2002 11:58Red Apple/Green Apple
00262maleykarenSat Feb 2 2002 13:20Re: derren the hamster!!!
00263barry_the_sprout2002Sat Feb 2 2002 14:02**NEW BLOKE ALERT**
00264barry_the_sprout2002Sat Feb 2 2002 15:10A question
00265sara_juliaukSat Feb 2 2002 15:16Re: A question
00266sara_juliaukSat Feb 2 2002 15:17Re: derren the hamster!!!
00267barry_the_sprout2002Sat Feb 2 2002 15:22Re: A question
00268barry_the_sprout2002Sat Feb 2 2002 15:26Re: Scissors, rock, stone
00269iamontheinternetSat Feb 2 2002 15:38Re: Scissors, rock, stone
00270bingomiteSun Feb 3 2002 12:18Re: Scissors, rock, stone
00271iamontheinternetSun Feb 3 2002 20:51Re: Scissors, paper, stone
00272mr_ironbrewSun Feb 3 2002 21:37Re: Scissors, paper, stone
00273iamontheinternetMon Feb 4 2002 09:51Derren on E4 Tues 5th Feb
00274northpool_1Mon Feb 4 2002 18:58betting Slip.
00275Gordo_ala_MooreMon Feb 4 2002 23:51Re: betting Slip.
00276northpool_1Tue Feb 5 2002 01:15Re: Book
00277Gordo_ala_MooreTue Feb 5 2002 11:13Re: Book and a bit more !!!
00278sara_juliaukTue Feb 5 2002 13:22Re: Book and a bit more !!!
00279laydeezamTue Feb 5 2002 20:48More about his book and my obsession!
00280miss_emily_chambersTue Feb 5 2002 23:09Re: Book and a bit more !!!
00281Gordo_ala_MooreTue Feb 5 2002 23:22Re: Book and a bit more !!!
00282j_heyburnWed Feb 6 2002 13:20Re: Book and a bit more !!!
00283kneezukWed Feb 6 2002 18:50Derren Obsession
00284ganetaukThu Feb 7 2002 00:11Re: betting Slip.
00285ganetaukThu Feb 7 2002 00:16Re: Derren Obsession
00286daniel_d852002Thu Feb 7 2002 06:38Re: Book and a bit more !!!
00287headmaster_tonyThu Feb 7 2002 15:05Derren on the wireless
00288j_heyburnThu Feb 7 2002 18:29Re: Derren on the wireless
00289highrollerentertainmentcastingThu Feb 7 2002 19:10Re:Speed Seduction/Louis Theroux
00290highrollerentertainmentcastingThu Feb 7 2002 19:12Re: Derren on the wireless
00291sara_juliaukFri Feb 8 2002 13:30book signing
00292iamontheinternetFri Feb 8 2002 18:33Derren Wallpaper
00293lizifer_y2kFri Feb 8 2002 23:33Re: book signing
00294mjm710Sat Feb 9 2002 20:18Derren let loose in school cafeteria....
00295lauren_macsporrenSun Feb 10 2002 13:49derren on radio tomorrow!
00296lauren_macsporrenMon Feb 11 2002 12:46Derren on Radio 1!
00297j_heyburnMon Feb 11 2002 12:59Re: Derren on Radio 1!
00298lauren_macsporrenMon Feb 11 2002 13:02Re: Derren on Radio 1!
00299bingomiteMon Feb 11 2002 13:04Re: Derren on Radio 1!
00300lauren_macsporrenMon Feb 11 2002 13:07Re: Derren on Radio 1!
00301j_heyburnMon Feb 11 2002 13:22Tell us Lauren !!!
00302j_heyburnMon Feb 11 2002 13:30I heard it !
00303lauren_macsporrenMon Feb 11 2002 13:32Re: I heard it !
00304sara_juliaukMon Feb 11 2002 13:37Re: I heard it !
00305j_heyburnMon Feb 11 2002 13:38Re: I heard it !
00306ganetaukMon Feb 11 2002 18:45derren can be influenced too.....
00307lauren_macsporrenMon Feb 11 2002 20:11Re: derren can be influenced too.....
00308highrollerentertainmentcastingMon Feb 11 2002 21:12Re: Derren on Radio 1!
00309lauren_macsporrenMon Feb 11 2002 21:19Re: Derren on Radio 1!
00310soulkiss_ukMon Feb 11 2002 22:52Newbie with some ideas on Derren...
00311Gordo_ala_MooreMon Feb 11 2002 23:34Re: Newbie with some ideas on Derren...
00312doolallyswebMon Feb 11 2002 23:57Re: Milton Erickson - My voice will go..
00313iamontheinternetTue Feb 12 2002 00:36Download 'Derren on Radio1'
00314ur_feelingsleepyTue Feb 12 2002 09:03Re: Download 'Derren on Radio1'
00315iamontheinternetTue Feb 12 2002 09:32Re: Download 'Derren on Radio1'
00316highrollerentertainmentcastingTue Feb 12 2002 09:50Question for Gordo....
00317Gordo_ala_MooreTue Feb 12 2002 12:21Re: Question for Gordo....
00318Gordo_ala_MooreTue Feb 12 2002 12:49Re: Milton Erickson - My voice will go..
00319daz_rythmnTue Feb 12 2002 13:00Questions for the more expert among us.
00320iamontheinternetTue Feb 12 2002 15:26Download Derren on radio 1 (again)
00321ur_feelingsleepyTue Feb 12 2002 15:59Re: Download Derren on radio 1 (again)
00322highrollerentertainmentcastingTue Feb 12 2002 19:17Re: Questions for the more expert among
00323david_close1Tue Feb 12 2002 19:24Re: Questions for the more expert among
00324iamontheinternetTue Feb 12 2002 20:47Re: Download Derren on radio 1 (again)
00325doolallyswebWed Feb 13 2002 00:48Re: Milton Erickson - My voice will go..
00326valleygirlventriloquistWed Feb 13 2002 00:50Re: Download Derren on radio 1 (again)
00327miss_emily_chambersWed Feb 13 2002 01:00Re: Download Derren on radio 1 (again)
00328valleygirlventriloquistWed Feb 13 2002 01:04Re: Download Derren on radio 1 (again)
00329miss_emily_chambersWed Feb 13 2002 01:54Re: Download Derren on radio 1 (again)
00330Gordo_ala_MooreWed Feb 13 2002 12:11Re: Milton Erickson - My voice will go..
00331beyondthemagicWed Feb 13 2002 16:49Re: Questions for the more expert among
00332Gordo_ala_MooreWed Feb 13 2002 17:07Re: Questions for the more expert among
00333daz_rythmnWed Feb 13 2002 17:14Re: Questions for the more expert among
00334david_close1Wed Feb 13 2002 19:28Re: Questions for the more expert among
00335beyondthemagicWed Feb 13 2002 21:20Re: Questions for the more expert among
00336ganetaukWed Feb 13 2002 21:41Re: Questions for the more expert among
00337ganetaukWed Feb 13 2002 21:43Re: Questions for the more expert among
00338beyondthemagicWed Feb 13 2002 21:53Re: Questions for the more expert among
00339j_heyburnThu Feb 14 2002 12:10Derren's mind 'tricks' on radio 1
00340lauren_macsporrenThu Feb 14 2002 12:34Re: Derren's mind 'tricks' on radio 1
00341iamontheinternetThu Feb 14 2002 14:14Re: Derren's mind 'tricks' on radio 1
00342daz_rythmnThu Feb 14 2002 14:23To Simon C
00343lauren_macsporrenThu Feb 14 2002 14:53Re: To Simon C
00344j_heyburnThu Feb 14 2002 15:23Re: Derren's mind 'tricks' on radio 1
00345the_brownbomberThu Feb 14 2002 15:54Guessing the letters method
00346daz_rythmnThu Feb 14 2002 16:27Re: Newbie with some ideas on Derren...
00347lauren_macsporrenThu Feb 14 2002 17:04Derren's nod
00348glyncoyThu Feb 14 2002 21:33Re: book signing
00349doolallyswebThu Feb 14 2002 22:43Re: Derren's mind 'tricks' on radio 1
00350highrollerentertainmentcastingFri Feb 15 2002 11:04Re: Derren's nod
00351iamontheinternetFri Feb 15 2002 12:28Re: Derren's mind 'tricks' on radio 1
00352iamontheinternetFri Feb 15 2002 12:45Re: To Simon C
00353glyncoyFri Feb 15 2002 13:45Re: To Simon C
00354Gordo_ala_MooreFri Feb 15 2002 14:01Re: Derren's mind 'tricks' on radio 1
00355maleykarenFri Feb 15 2002 14:43my thoughts
00356Gordo_ala_MooreFri Feb 15 2002 16:38Subtle as a brick.
00357lauren_macsporrenFri Feb 15 2002 22:17Re: Subtle as a brick.
00358valleygirlventriloquistFri Feb 15 2002 23:29Re: Subtle as a brick.
00359minkydaveSat Feb 16 2002 02:21fresh blood to the club....
00360minkydaveSat Feb 16 2002 02:37Re: Subtle as a brick.
00361cobbs24Sat Feb 16 2002 02:45Re: Subtle as a brick.
00362cobbs24Sat Feb 16 2002 06:05Guessing Letter
00363Gordo_ala_MooreSat Feb 16 2002 13:41In what hand !!!!
00364Gordo_ala_MooreSat Feb 16 2002 13:50We haven't met.
00365iamontheinternetSat Feb 16 2002 15:19Re: We haven't met (& superman)
00366highrollerentertainmentcastingSat Feb 16 2002 15:30Re: In what hand !!!!
00367highrollerentertainmentcastingSat Feb 16 2002 15:37Re: Subtle as a brick.
00368highrollerentertainmentcastingSat Feb 16 2002 16:03Re: We haven't met (& superman)
00369beyondthemagicSat Feb 16 2002 16:44Re: We haven't met (& superman)
00370ganetaukSat Feb 16 2002 17:23Re: Questions for the more expert among
00371beyondthemagicSat Feb 16 2002 17:33Re: Questions for the more expert among
00372david_close1Sat Feb 16 2002 17:44Re: Subtle as a brick.
00373highrollerentertainmentcastingSat Feb 16 2002 20:22Re: We haven't met (& superman)
00374glyncoySat Feb 16 2002 22:52Re: Subtle as a brick.
00375the_brownbomberSat Feb 16 2002 23:07Re: Subtle as a brick.
00376beyondthemagicSun Feb 17 2002 01:01Re: Subtle as a brick.
00377minkydaveSun Feb 17 2002 02:31Re: Subtle as a brick.
00378Gordo_ala_MooreSun Feb 17 2002 14:07Re: Subtle as a brick.
00379bingomiteSun Feb 17 2002 14:52Re: Subtle as a brick.
00380highrollerentertainmentcastingSun Feb 17 2002 15:48Re: Subtle as a brick.
00381Jamesdavidson_99Sun Feb 17 2002 16:46Re: Subtle as a brick.
00382glyncoySun Feb 17 2002 17:47Re: Subtle as a brick.
00383lauren_macsporrenSun Feb 17 2002 18:11paul mckenna
00384bingomiteSun Feb 17 2002 18:29HYPNOTORIOUS
00385david_close1Sun Feb 17 2002 18:49Re: HYPNOTORIOUS
00386ganetaukSun Feb 17 2002 19:13shareeeee
00387ganetaukSun Feb 17 2002 19:15T (technique) MILTON MODEL - PART 1
00388ganetaukSun Feb 17 2002 19:20T (technique) MILTON MODEL - PART 2
00389ganetaukSun Feb 17 2002 19:20T MILTON MODEL PART 2 CONT.
00390beyondthemagicSun Feb 17 2002 21:08The B&Q confusional Induction.
00391Gordo_ala_MooreMon Feb 18 2002 00:14Re: Subtle as a brick.
00392glyncoyMon Feb 18 2002 00:50Re: Subtle as a brick.
00393on_a_quackhandleMon Feb 18 2002 02:06Re: Subtle as a brick.
00394glyncoyMon Feb 18 2002 09:00Re: Subtle as a brick.
00395Gordo_ala_MooreMon Feb 18 2002 10:25Photoreading & A good rant !!
00396wayneryderMon Feb 18 2002 10:42Re: Derren's nod
00397daz_rythmnMon Feb 18 2002 10:46Re: Photoreading & A good rant !!
00398glyncoyMon Feb 18 2002 10:51Re: Photoreading & A good rant !!
00399glyncoyMon Feb 18 2002 10:53Re: Derren's nod
00400lauren_macsporrenMon Feb 18 2002 11:08Re: Derren's nod
00401iamontheinternetMon Feb 18 2002 11:32Re: Derren's nod
00402beyondthemagicMon Feb 18 2002 12:07Re: Derren's nod
00403beyondthemagicMon Feb 18 2002 12:11Re: Derren's nod
00404glyncoyMon Feb 18 2002 12:14Re: Derren's nod
00405Gordo_ala_MooreMon Feb 18 2002 13:13Re: Photoreading & A good rant !!
00406bingomiteMon Feb 18 2002 13:39Re: Subtle as a brick.
00407glyncoyMon Feb 18 2002 14:19Re: Photoreading & A good rant !!
00408daz_rythmnMon Feb 18 2002 14:36Re: Photoreading & A good rant !!
00409ur_feelingsleepyMon Feb 18 2002 15:10Smoke
00410Gordo_ala_MooreMon Feb 18 2002 15:15Re: Photoreading & A good rant !!
00411daz_rythmnMon Feb 18 2002 15:31Re: Photoreading & A good rant !!
00412glyncoyMon Feb 18 2002 15:36Re: Photoreading & A good rant !!
00413glyncoyMon Feb 18 2002 15:45Re: Smoke
00414Gordo_ala_MooreMon Feb 18 2002 16:02Re: Photoreading & A good rant !!
00415ur_feelingsleepyMon Feb 18 2002 16:03Re: Smoke
00416glyncoyMon Feb 18 2002 16:19Re: Photoreading & A good rant !!
00417glyncoyMon Feb 18 2002 16:23Re: Smoke
00418glyncoyMon Feb 18 2002 16:29Re: Smoke
00419ur_feelingsleepyMon Feb 18 2002 16:37Re: Smoke
00420reversaillesMon Feb 18 2002 17:15Re: Subtle as a brick.
00421highrollerentertainmentcastingMon Feb 18 2002 17:48Book tests , Pure Effect & Derren's Nod
00422on_a_quackhandleMon Feb 18 2002 17:56Re: Derren's nod
00423on_a_quackhandleMon Feb 18 2002 18:07Re: Subtle as a brick.
00424on_a_quackhandleMon Feb 18 2002 18:11Re: Photoreading & A good rant !!
00425ganetaukMon Feb 18 2002 18:19Re: shareeeee
00426glyncoyMon Feb 18 2002 18:31Re: Book tests , Pure Effect & Derren's
00427miss_emily_chambersMon Feb 18 2002 18:38my derren dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00428glyncoyMon Feb 18 2002 18:51Re: my derren dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00429miss_emily_chambersMon Feb 18 2002 18:59Re: my derren dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00430Jamesdavidson_99Mon Feb 18 2002 19:10Re: Book tests , Pure Effect & Derren's
00431miss_emily_chambersMon Feb 18 2002 19:20Re: Book tests , Pure Effect & Derren's
00432glyncoyMon Feb 18 2002 19:35Re: my derren dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00433glyncoyMon Feb 18 2002 19:47Some bedtime reading on NLP
00434ganetaukMon Feb 18 2002 19:54t .....esp trick
00435ganetaukMon Feb 18 2002 19:55t.....directed thought
00436ganetaukMon Feb 18 2002 19:56t matching signs...
00437ganetaukMon Feb 18 2002 19:56t cutting edge
00438ganetaukMon Feb 18 2002 19:57t mixed symbols...
00439ganetaukMon Feb 18 2002 19:57....
00440Gordo_ala_MooreMon Feb 18 2002 22:52Re: Photoreading & A good rant !!
00441ganetaukMon Feb 18 2002 23:07modeling/modelling.....
00442highrollerentertainmentcastingTue Feb 19 2002 08:20Derren's 'misogyny'.....
00443daz_rythmnTue Feb 19 2002 09:55Re: modeling/modelling.....
00444daz_rythmnTue Feb 19 2002 09:58Re: Photoreading & A good rant !!
00445victorberghausTue Feb 19 2002 10:03New guy and Meeting Derren
00446daz_rythmnTue Feb 19 2002 10:09Re: New guy and Meeting Derren
00447miss_emily_chambersTue Feb 19 2002 11:45Re: New guy and Meeting Derren
00448hipparque2002Tue Feb 19 2002 12:06Stooges
00449j_heyburnTue Feb 19 2002 13:15Re: Derren's 'misogyny'.....
00450j_heyburnTue Feb 19 2002 13:32Re: Stooges
00451victorberghausTue Feb 19 2002 16:57misogeny and stooges
00452bingomiteTue Feb 19 2002 17:16Re: misogeny and stooges
00453Gordo_ala_MooreTue Feb 19 2002 17:21Re: Link to an NLP board + Zero Ranting
00454miss_emily_chambersTue Feb 19 2002 17:50Re: misogeny and stooges
00455ganetaukTue Feb 19 2002 18:13Re: Derren's 'misogyny'.....
00456ganetaukTue Feb 19 2002 18:17Re: t modeling/modelling.....
00457ganetaukTue Feb 19 2002 18:18t the modeling process metmind
00458ganetaukTue Feb 19 2002 18:19t modeling process cont
00459ganetaukTue Feb 19 2002 18:23t rapport skills metamind
00460ganetaukTue Feb 19 2002 18:23t voice matching
00461highrollerentertainmentcastingTue Feb 19 2002 18:25Re: Stooges and coin trick in MC3
00462ganetaukTue Feb 19 2002 18:25t cold reading part 1
00463ganetaukTue Feb 19 2002 18:26t cold reading part 2
00464ganetaukTue Feb 19 2002 18:35t modelling over view..
00465ganetaukTue Feb 19 2002 the way.....
00466sara_juliaukTue Feb 19 2002 18:53pure effect
00467Jamesdavidson_99Tue Feb 19 2002 19:28Re: Stooges and coin trick in MC3
00468headmaster_tonyTue Feb 19 2002 19:38Re: Stooges and coin trick in MC3
00469miss_emily_chambersTue Feb 19 2002 19:40Re: Stooges and coin trick in MC3
00470Jamesdavidson_99Tue Feb 19 2002 20:25Re: Stooges and coin trick in MC3
00471glyncoyTue Feb 19 2002 21:19Re: Derren's 'misogyny'.....
00472glyncoyTue Feb 19 2002 21:25Re: New guy and Meeting Derren
00473glyncoyTue Feb 19 2002 21:36Re: Stooges
00474ithullianTue Feb 19 2002 21:58a trick i came across
00475mr_ironbrewTue Feb 19 2002 21:59Re: Stooges and coin trick in MC3
00476hipparque2002Tue Feb 19 2002 22:28Re: Stooges and coin trick in MC3
00477Gordo_ala_MooreTue Feb 19 2002 23:19Re: a trick i came across
00478highrollerentertainmentcastingWed Feb 20 2002 09:19Re: Stooges and coin trick in MC3
00479j_heyburnWed Feb 20 2002 11:53Has Derren already joined us?
00480daz_rythmnWed Feb 20 2002 13:08More brain teasers.
00481daz_rythmnWed Feb 20 2002 13:16Re: More brain teasers.
00482hipparque2002Wed Feb 20 2002 15:32instant stooge
00483wayneryderWed Feb 20 2002 17:17Re: Stooges
00484Gordo_ala_MooreWed Feb 20 2002 18:09Re: Stooges
00485ithullianWed Feb 20 2002 21:08ghost punch
00486ithullianWed Feb 20 2002 21:11Re: ghost punch
00487glyncoyWed Feb 20 2002 21:26Re: More brain teasers.
00488highrollerentertainmentcastingWed Feb 20 2002 21:27Re: Stooges
00489highrollerentertainmentcastingWed Feb 20 2002 21:38Re: ghost punch
00490daz_rythmnThu Feb 21 2002 10:32Re: Glncoy, am I on the right track?
00491daz_rythmnThu Feb 21 2002 12:17Re: ghost punch
00492daz_rythmnThu Feb 21 2002 12:20Re: ghost punch
00493glyncoyThu Feb 21 2002 16:56Re: Glncoy, am I on the right track?
00494daz_rythmnThu Feb 21 2002 17:14Re: Glncoy, am I on the right track?
00495ithullianThu Feb 21 2002 19:10more on the ghost punch
00496ithullianThu Feb 21 2002 19:10more on the ghost punch
00497minkydaveFri Feb 22 2002 04:23Re: more on the ghost punch
00498ur_feelingsleepyFri Feb 22 2002 08:09Re: more on the ghost punch
00499daz_rythmnFri Feb 22 2002 09:01Book Tests
00500daz_rythmnFri Feb 22 2002 09:02Re: Book Test 1
00501daz_rythmnFri Feb 22 2002 09:04Re: Book Test 2
00502mjm710Fri Feb 22 2002 09:38Re: Book Tests
00503highrollerentertainmentcastingFri Feb 22 2002 09:47Re: more on the ghost punch
00504highrollerentertainmentcastingFri Feb 22 2002 09:59Something about Mastermind....
00505highrollerentertainmentcastingFri Feb 22 2002 10:02Re: Something about Mastermind....
00506daz_rythmnFri Feb 22 2002 10:20Re: more on the ghost punch
00507daz_rythmnFri Feb 22 2002 10:26Re: Book Tests
00508mjm710Fri Feb 22 2002 11:53Re: Book Tests
00509ithullianFri Feb 22 2002 19:18Re: more on the ghost punch
00510ur_feelingsleepySat Feb 23 2002 10:50Re: more on the ghost punch
00511beyondthemagicSat Feb 23 2002 12:20Stage Hypnosis
00512ganetaukSun Feb 24 2002 15:55t heart trick
00513ganetaukSun Feb 24 2002 15:56t coin kung fuuuu
00514ganetaukSun Feb 24 2002 15:58t coin trick
00515ganetaukSun Feb 24 2002 16:03t playing with fire....BECAREFUL!!!!
00516ganetaukSun Feb 24 2002 16:04T egg trick
00517ganetaukSun Feb 24 2002 16:05t fold £20
00518ganetaukSun Feb 24 2002 16:08t Kung fu bottle break
00519ganetaukSun Feb 24 2002 16:30t hold hands...
00520ganetaukSun Feb 24 2002 16:34t blisterrrrrr
00521ganetaukSun Feb 24 2002 16:39t number
00522ganetaukSun Feb 24 2002 16:46t 1,089
00523ganetaukSun Feb 24 2002 16:47t magnetic suggestions
00524ganetaukSun Feb 24 2002 16:52t fancy a fag?
00525inferismaSun Feb 24 2002 16:52Re: t magnetic suggestions
00526ganetaukSun Feb 24 2002 16:57Re: t magnetic suggestions
00527inferismaSun Feb 24 2002 18:57spread the secrets...!!!!!
00528ganetaukSun Feb 24 2002 22:34Re: spread the secrets...!!!!!
00529inferismaMon Feb 25 2002 01:23Re: spread the secrets...!!!!!
00530ganetaukMon Feb 25 2002 02:23Re: spread the secrets...!!!!!
00531ganetaukMon Feb 25 2002 02:24Re: spread the secrets...!!!!!
00532ur_feelingsleepyMon Feb 25 2002 08:41Re: t playing with fire....BECAREFUL!!!!
00533ganetaukMon Feb 25 2002 20:21Re: t playing with fire....BECAREFUL!!!!
00534highrollerentertainmentcastingTue Feb 26 2002 13:39Absolute Magic & Devil's Picturebook
00535highrollerentertainmentcastingTue Feb 26 2002 13:48Derren's insurance policies...
00536miss_emily_chambersTue Feb 26 2002 14:00victor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00537daz_rythmnTue Feb 26 2002 14:16Re: Absolute Magic & Devil's Picturebook
00538wayneryderTue Feb 26 2002 16:44Re: Absolute Magic & Devil's Picturebook
00539ur_feelingsleepyTue Feb 26 2002 17:07Re: Absolute Magic & Devil's Picturebook
00540highrollerentertainmentcastingTue Feb 26 2002 18:04Re: Absolute Magic & Devil's Picturebook
00541ur_feelingsleepyTue Feb 26 2002 18:14Re: Absolute Magic & Devil's Picturebook
00542erotichypnotic_ukTue Feb 26 2002 18:22Re: Absolute Magic & Devil's Picturebook
00543ganetaukTue Feb 26 2002 18:40representing
00544ur_feelingsleepyTue Feb 26 2002 18:43Re: Absolute Magic & Devil's Picturebook
00545erotichypnotic_ukTue Feb 26 2002 19:25Re: Absolute Magic & Devil's Picturebook
00546ur_feelingsleepyTue Feb 26 2002 19:35Re: Absolute Magic & Devil's Picturebook
00547ganetaukTue Feb 26 2002 21:12secret skills
00548ur_feelingsleepyTue Feb 26 2002 21:44Re: secret skills
00549ganetaukTue Feb 26 2002 22:09Re: secret skills
00550beyondthemagicTue Feb 26 2002 22:11Re: secret skills
00551beyondthemagicTue Feb 26 2002 22:15Re: secret skills
00552ganetaukTue Feb 26 2002 23:23Re: secret skills
00553ganetaukTue Feb 26 2002 23:27Re: secret skills
00554victorberghausWed Feb 27 2002 02:34brief visit with Derren
00555highrollerentertainmentcastingWed Feb 27 2002 08:54Review of Devil's Picturebook
00556highrollerentertainmentcastingWed Feb 27 2002 09:05Info for ur_feelingsleepy--->HYPNOSIS
00557highrollerentertainmentcastingWed Feb 27 2002 09:08Don't get jealous Emily, but.....
00558wayneryderWed Feb 27 2002 10:06Re: Review of Devil's Picturebook
00559Gordo_ala_MooreWed Feb 27 2002 12:49A Token Post
00560daz_rythmnWed Feb 27 2002 13:37Re: A Token Post
00561Gordo_ala_MooreWed Feb 27 2002 13:51Re: A Token Post
00562miss_emily_chambersWed Feb 27 2002 14:57Re: brief visit with Derren
00563miss_emily_chambersWed Feb 27 2002 14:58Re: brief visit with Derren
00564miss_emily_chambersWed Feb 27 2002 15:02Re: Don't get jealous Emily, but.....
00565beyondthemagicWed Feb 27 2002 15:21Re: secret skills
00566sara_juliaukWed Feb 27 2002 16:12Re: brief visit with Derren
00567highrollerentertainmentcastingWed Feb 27 2002 16:46Photoreading/book tests
00568victorberghausThu Feb 28 2002 11:12Re: Photoreading/book tests
00569lauren_macsporrenThu Feb 28 2002 12:51derren (wot an original subject title!)
00570aidan2000_ukThu Feb 28 2002 18:22Re: derren (wot an original subject titl

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