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From: highrollerentertainmentcasting
Date: Sun Feb 17, 2002 3:48pm
Subject: Re: Subtle as a brick.
The Superman experiments sound like the sort of
preliminary tests most hypnotists carry out to see which
subjects are most suggestible (i.e., the hands
clenched/stuck together and so on).
I assume Olga was
particularly responsive and this is why she was chosen. The
'we haven't met before' question would seem to
confirm this. In strict terms, the answer 'no' to this
question is a lie, as they have met before the show (or
Derren's segment) went on air. However, Derren's question
is 'We haven't met...(pause)' and via the phenomena
of deletion (All you NLP/Erickson buffs will know
what I'm getting at here) Olga fills in the rest of
the question to make sense of it (to herself) and
gives the appropriate answer to the apparent
Oh, and by the way minkydave...McGill's book is the
business...good choice!