Derren Brown and Mentalism Resources

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These few pages have been compiled to bring information relating to Derren Brown's art together. Every book, website, or video listed here has been mentioned or explicitly recommended in discussion groups concerned with Derren Brown, or on web sites dealing with his work or mentalism in general. The lists have been subdivided into categories to try and make it easier to locate titles in which the reader has an interest. The Performances and TV pages detail the contents of all of his broadcast programmes and live performances.

Where books and DVDs are available for purchase on-line from and links have been provided, however some of them are only available directly from the authors or other specialist emporia.

Update History

  • 4 August, 2016: Links to Infamous, the 2013/4 stage show on DVD and Derren's forthcoming book, Happy have been added to the range of commercially available products.
  • 8 August, 2013: Details of the broadcasts of Derren Brown: Apocalypse and Derren Brown: Faith and Fear have been added, along with the addition of the DVD of the stage show Svengali released earlier this year.
  • 6 January, 2013: Details of the broadcast of Derren Brown: Svengali and the live stage show have been added.
  • 3 December, 2012: Links to the 4OD site for the broadcasts of Derren Brown: Apocalypse and Derren Brown: Fear and Faith have been added; programme listings to follow.
  • 25 October, 2012: The Reading Lists have been updated to include some new recommendations by Derren Brown; books which he has previous recommended are still identified as such.
  • 15 October, 2012: The Experiments are now available to buy on DVD.
  • 18 September, 2012: Link to the 4OD site for the broadcast of Derren Brown: Svengali has been added.
  • 15 November, 2011: Details of the contents of the remaing two Experiments have been added.
  • 13 November, 2011: Link to the 4OD site for the third and forth programmes from The Experiments added.
  • 29 October, 2011: Link to the 4OD site for the second of The Experiments added along with details of the episode.
  • 27 October, 2011: Link to the 4OD site for the first of The Experiments added; programme listing to follow shortly.
  • 20 October, 2011: Provision has been made to add details of the new series Derren Brown: The Experiments which starts on Friday 21 October at 9pm on Channel 4.
  • 2 October, 2011: New look website launched and all content updated to cover all of DB's broadcast and live shows with the exception of Svengali which continues its run in 2012. Links to watch the programmes on 4OD have been added to the listings where the show is available.

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