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Message ID: 00331[ Previous ]    [ Next ]    [ Up Thread ]

From: beyondthemagic
Date: Wed Feb 13, 2002 4:49pm
Subject: Re: Questions for the more expert among

Dear Daz I would recommend that you if you want
to learn NLP that you learn it from someone who can
do it as oppposed to someone who can just talk about
it, ask around, most courses last 21 days spread
throughout the year, the mckenna-breen-bandler course lasts
only 7 days but is significantly cheaper than the
others. If you have the time and the money do both-then
when you think you've learned it, go and do it, play
and explore it's limitations-it's mind blowing but
not the be all and all-there is always more. Robert.

RepliesAuthorYahoo! IDDateSize
332: Re: Questions for the more expert among Gordo_ala_MooreGordo_ala_MooreWed 13/02/20022 KB
333: Re: Questions for the more expert among daz_rythmndaz_rythmnWed 13/02/20023 KB
334: Re: Questions for the more expert among david_close1david_close1Wed 13/02/20022 KB
335: Re: Questions for the more expert among beyondthemagicbeyondthemagicWed 13/02/20022 KB
337: Re: Questions for the more expert among ganetaukganetaukWed 13/02/20021 KB
338: Re: Questions for the more expert among beyondthemagicbeyondthemagicWed 13/02/20021 KB
370: Re: Questions for the more expert among ganetaukganetaukSat 16/02/20021 KB
371: Re: Questions for the more expert among beyondthemagicbeyondthemagicSat 16/02/20021 KB
336: Re: Questions for the more expert among ganetaukganetaukWed 13/02/20021 KB

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