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From: Gordo_ala_Moore
Date: Tue Feb 12, 2002 12:21pm
Subject: Re: Question for Gordo....

Hello, I am afraid that i did pick up on the fact
you mentioned it and i have not seen anything
anywhere else that mentioned it.

I am also afraid
that mind reading is not my speciality. In fact i
don't know if i have one..., i might have two.. (That
was a joke).

Although in a very limited
capacity, i can read 'lips'.

One point however. On
occasion, i do notice considerable movement under a persons
chin when they want to say something but are unsure of
the consequences. They tend to "make the point" over
and over in their 'head' and this is under chin
movement is quite noticeable. It is often coupled with an
ever so slight, but noticeable "up and down" movement
with the bottom lip. If you keep asking they will tell
you, once they find a suitable way of "putting it".
The quicker you 'get it' the more close to the actual
truth it will be.

See, if you ask someone,
"what, are you thinking ?" They will most likely say
"nothing". If keep asking, in a few moments once they have
phrased it into a suitable monologue. They will give you
their interpretation or way of "putting it".

am, as you are too, always thinking

Now, what I have said here, is from my personal
observations. And has no basis on actual fact or proof.
Unfortunately my interest in Derren's "stuff", has formed as
part of my Interest in waking hypnosis (quite
different from mind reading).

The more i study his
work, the more i realise, the reason why he is so good.
Because he does it, his way.

From what i have read
!!!, most NLP experts (who mostly work in therapy),
would find his aggression quite unproductive since it
bring out a defence mechanism on the 'client'.
fact, as i remember, Jo on the radio, recoiled when he
tried to touch her. And was quite defensive throughout
the interview. I could have so easily been a "Miss"
live on air.

Now please don't take what i have
said as an attack on Derren. I am just giving you my
raw, and totally unqualified view.

I think
what he does is brilliant, and I like his style. He is
one hell of an entertainer. I would love to have even
half of his ability.

Cheers, and I hope I have
not bored or upset anyone,

Gordon Moore

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