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From: daz_rythmn
Date: Fri Feb 22, 2002 9:04am
Subject: Re: Book Test 2

and another......

A Terrific Book

Effect: Three pocket books are shown and passed out to
three spectators in the audience. One of the three
books is
selected or all three may be used. A number
is arrived at by dealing 9 cards on the table - in
three piles of three each.
One person selects a pile
and retains it. Two other people each select one of
the other two piles. The cards are laid down
arrive at a total which indicates the page number in
their book. The pile of cards the other person selects
is added up
and the total indicates the word on
that page. When the word (or three words) are revealed
they match a previous
prediction sealed in an

To Perform: Get three pocket books and turn to page
165 in each and write down the 15th word on page 165.
Make your
prediction or if using all three books,
three predictions. (I only use one and when I know what
book they want to use I
have previously memorized
the 15th word from each book. I then make my
Take nine cards, Ace thru 9 of any suit and keep them
in Ace thru 9 order from bottom up. Shuffle off one
card, shuffle off
two cards, shuffle off three
cards, then shuffle two off again, all on top of one
another. Do this as if you are just shuffling
cards. Deal the 9 cards face down on the table from left
to right one at a time. Have two people each pick
one each of
the other two piles. Ask 1st to hand
you any card and place it face down on the table. Ask
2nd person to hand you one of
his cards and place
it face down next to the first card to the right.
Write down number formed by the two cards. Have
person hand you one of his cards and place it face up on
the table. Have second person hand you one of his
cards and
place it to the right of the first card on
the table. Write down the number formed.
first person hand you his last card and place it face
up on the table. Have second person hand you his
last card and
place it next to card on table to the
right. Write down the third number formed.
All three
numbers are added up no to get a total (comes out to
165). Have spectator(s) turn to page 165. Have other
holding the other pile add his cards up and give you the
total (it will be 15). Have spectator(s) look at the
15th word
which will match your
That's it. I have used this hundreds of times and it is
one of the best response tricks I have in my mental
routine. Let me
know if it goes over with you.

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