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Message ID: 04221[ Previous ]    [ Next ]    [ Up Thread ]

From: na na
Date: Tue Apr 8, 2003 8:38pm
Subject: persuation skils (a genitic trait?)

F**k this computer, i just spent half an hour typing an interesting theory and
the computer crashed!

Ok, here goes again.... Im ploughing through F into P and have realised that
the majority of what it says is blatently obvious. Most of these complex
technical tools it discusses i use, to a far more advanced level than your
average uninformed person. However, im not sure i accumulated these skills
since i have evidence that i was manipulating people at the age of 4! Let me

At school i was known by my teachers and the pyschologist as 'The Chameleon'
since i seemed to adapt and alter myself to each situation, i.e I would even
alter my physical weight ( a range of 3 stone in a year) to fit that of my
peers or work mates. However no-one ever told me to do these things, i knew it
was what they wanted! This is a little besides the point but the next bit is
more interesting...

I have never failed a job interview or lost a competition in my life! Admitedly
sometimes i didnt win the competion first attempt, but i never have lost the
second time round. I found that even from the age of 4 i could manipulate
people into giving me the prize and would watch their every move during the
judging of the first compition to access exactly what impressed them and what
would win the next time around! Even sub-contiously predict what theyd go for
the following year when i re-entred. This started at the age of 4 with piano
and colouring competitions and recently i won an artistic entrepreneur prize
from a major bank in the city! Obviously if i dont think im talented enough to
win a prize or con them, i dont enter. I always have used pacing and leading,
anchoring, accessing cues etc.... i just never knew the correct terminology!

I also have never lost a game of pass the parcel! I figered that if i sat and
looked depressed and as if i were about to cry i'd win, since no parent wants a
depressed kid at their childs party ( and the parents controlled the music!)

The point is i've done this for as long as i remember, so is it a genetic thing?

Na na (Poppy)

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RepliesAuthorYahoo IDDateSize
4223: Re: persuasion skills (a genitic trait?)marcthomashoganmarcthomashoganTue 08/04/20033 KB
4224: Re: persuasion skills (a genitic trait?) nanotthatsmart2003Tue 08/04/20035 KB
4228: Re: persuasion skills (a genitic trait?)derek_heronderek_heronTue 08/04/20032 KB
4233: Re: persuasion skills (a genitic trait?) nanotthatsmart2003Wed 09/04/20033 KB
4250: Re: persuasion skills (a genitic trait?)daniel_fardWed 09/04/20035 KB
4236: Re: persuasion skills (a genitic trait?) nanotthatsmart2003Wed 09/04/20033 KB
4237: Re: persuation skils (a genitic trait?)Blue Chipcs_bluechipWed 09/04/20033 KB

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