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From: marcthomashogan
Date: Wed Jan 8, 2003 5:56pm
Subject: Re: 30 Second Conversational Trance Induction

Hi all

>How do you know if you have put someone in trance?

This is a good question, and The Hands shake interupt is one
method, ( I'll come on to it Later) however, it depends on your
meaning of trance ....

I mean as you sit there looking at your computer screen, wondering
what trance is, curious to know how it works, you'll probably begin
to notice the feeling of your clothes on your skin and as you
notice, you brgin to smile now that you suddenly realise how easy
it is for you to go into trance

It doesn't have to be a deep sombulistic trance for it to be
effective, trance is just a deeeply relaxed state of mind..

Now for what BC wrote re the Hand Shake Interupt

> I find a change in eye-accessing cues is the most obvious

Yes, you'll also get skin tone changes, breathing changes etc

> You will find this an interesting experiment. My own variant on
the now popular handshake induction technique.

I like the HS interrupt but, i find it fairly useless in the real
world as people will think your mad..... however lets carry on

> Offer hand; look at hand; look at person and say "Hello, how <nod
> and include another glimpse to the hand are yo.." and fade off
>before the "you" is finished (or whatever words you have chosen to

Ok firstly you'll induce confusion, which is fine if you want to do

Not so useful if you want to have any type of rapport afterwords

> The aim is to get the timing so that the handshake WOULD naturally
>start at the end of the sentence - but the sentence never quite
<ends ... and the hands never quite get round to meeting.

this again will make you look weird.....

> The "fade off" is achieved by pretending that you have just gone
> into a trance yourself - you know, let your eyes defocus, let
> your shoulders drop a little, lower your breathing rate -
> literally pretend to have just gone off into a trance.


> As you do this, they will almost invariably continue to match your
> body language and go into a trance themselves. After a second-or-
> so (sorry for the ambiguity, but you will appreciate it after you
> have got it to work)

Again this is fine if you are performing,

But this is no use in everyday situations, how many times will you
have to practice this to get it right?

How many people will think your weird?

>Let your sight slowly come back, so that you feel in control,
whilst maintaining ALL other indications that you are in a trance.

BC You can be in trance without having cross eyes!!

> Maintaining the eye contact, slowly remove your hand from the
> equation and DO NOTHING.

> You will be amazed how long people are prepared to stand there
> with their hand in front of them doing nothing.

Thats because they are totally cofused?

And If you have'nt got it right, they'll either

a) Run away

b) Hit you

You'll have no rapport which is where all influence is!

> They will often go completely cataleptic

So all you've done is induced caltylepsy - if you just hold their
arm tight you'll achive the same effect!!

> To terminate the effect simply say something like "sorry, I
> wandered off there for a moment..." and now with fresh
> confidence "How are you?" and shake their hand.

Again this process is completely Overt,

Not to mention overly difficult - they'll know you are doing

And they will probably be scared of you for the rest of their
lives - which is fine if you are Derren Brown or a Hypnotherapist

> You should not wait too long or they will wonder what the f' is
> wrong with you - and often become a little aggitated - not a good
> outcome.

LOL!!! BC I enjoy are private chats - you are the master of

> The cue of "too long" will be the moment they perform an access.
> As they go for it, you step in with your apology. Lest they have
> an independant thought - tut tut tut that would never do {never
> do what to whom?}

Thats a funny comment , however thats a person in front of you, you
can induce trance naturally and easily without scary commands
and "Hypnovoice" "!

> By doing this. You will soon know what someone in a trance looks
> like.

Maybe, however its more likely that youu see someone who looks


b)Pissed Off

BC there is nothing wrong with this process, and this is not a
criticism of you :- ))it is a criticism of The Hand Shake Interupt
In General

I'm not saying it won't work, but after 10 years of experience in
hypnosis & NLP there are much more elegant and precise ways to
induce covert waking trance

Keep Safe

Persuasion-skills "The Magic of Persuasion" Sat 1st Feb 2003

RepliesAuthorYahoo! IDDateSize
2232: Re: 30 Second Conversational Trance InductionsinghstealthsinghstealthWed 08/01/20032 KB
2233: Re: 30 Second Conversational Trance InductionBlue Chipcs_bluechipWed 08/01/200312 KB
2247: Re: 30 Second Conversational Trance InductionmarcthomashoganmarcthomashoganThu 09/01/200322 KB
2292: Re: 30 Second Conversational Trance InductionBlue Chipcs_bluechipFri 10/01/200334 KB

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