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From: Blue Chip
Date: Wed Jan 1, 2003 3:58pm
Subject: Re: Stooges, Actors and Tricks - The Exposé

> Sure, there are people in MC who are in cahoots with Derren, such
>as the girl being lifted by the boxers,

Now I come to think of it, I can't come up with a second example. Any

> but I very sincerely doubt
>that any of the subjects are 'stooges'. After all, what's the point?

Precisely! I was beginning to think I was alone on this <phew> - I am glad
that someone else (in this case you) has also considered it :)

I so agree with you. If the show were littered with 'stooges' and 'actors'
it would amount to little more than E4's answer to the soap opera. Derren
would be doing NOTHING impressive and his reputation and E4's viewing
figures would stand at stake.

> And, yes, I don't dispute that there is more than meets the eye to
>some of his tricks...but who cares?

I, for one, am very interested in his work, many other members of this
group would _certainly_ like to see and understand ffaarr more than they
presently do. I personally consider him a great showman and an insiration
in several respects, both personal and professional - If you think the guy
is a complete fraud, then please share it with us, but be prepared to back
up your claim.

>Derren has never claimed to have psychic powers,

No, he has not, in fact he debunks those who do - especially some bloke he
calls "Urine Smeller", the famous spoon bender.

Derren DOES, however, claim that he does not use ACTORS, STOOGES, or TRICKS.
And as we all know - he, without question, uses Tricks.
Is it not, therefore, well within reason to infer that he ALSO uses Actors
and Stooges?

> and if I remember correctly takes great pains in
>pointing this out.

Perhaps I should learn from the Mr B. and take great pains in clarifying my
point (perhaps this will also alleviate your slightly uncomfortable
interest in the muscular dexterity of my rectum.)

My point is this:
[allegedly] Uri Geller CLAIMS psychic powers. The proof of the existence
of such power is demonstrable only by the use of 'Tricks'. For this he is
harrassed by Derren on both a professional and personal level.

Now, Derren is CLAIMING some form of 'mental prowess' (or whatever
debateable term you wish to associate with his work) which, again, is being
demonstrated by the use of tricks. Yet, when someone (that's me) states
this in a clear and concise manner, with clearly outlined and confirmable
proof; they are described as "anally-retentive" and 'would make a make a
lousy medium/comentator'**

Derrens claim is three-fold, No Stooges, Actors or Tricks. Well, I hope
you agree that a Stooge is a form of Actor (or vice-versa) so his statement
reduces to "No Stooges or Tricks". This statement is proven 50% wrong -
and that is sufficient to cast reasonable doubt on the other 50%

I think perhaps I over enthused you with my flamboyant writing style (and
humerously OTT subject heading). It seems that my reasoning for the use of
Stooges has been read as a personal obituary. Put down the weapons.

**Although I must say I did giggle when I read that. It appealed the black
side of my cynical sense of humour ;)

> Basically, lighten up!!!!

My Doctor has just told me to put on a stone, don't confuse me !))))

> Otherwise you're going to be devastated
>when you find out that David Blaine can't really fly.....

Don't be silly, he can't actually FLY, he just hovers in one spot :O


Try not to take my writing too personally - unless, of course you are DB
himself, then I suppose, you kinda HAVE to take it personally? But I
cannot imagine that someone with the apparently incredible communication
skills of DB would resort to falsely-attributing skills to a nobody and
then debunking them to make himself feel better.

Hang loose dude, there really is no need for the personal insults - I don't
know you, you don't know me. I will quite happily debate this issue with
you, as you desire, but let's see if we can do it without the name-calling?


At 19:52 31/12/02 +0000, you wrote:
>--- In a previous message Blue Chip wrote:
> > Hmm,
> >
> > I think you're gonna like this...
> >
> > If you want the illusion of DB to remain real, then I suggest you
> > reading here:
> >
> >
> > Exposé follows:
> >
> >
> > At the start of MC1, DB states:
> > "...but that's the only TRICK you are going to SEE in the next
>hour. There
> > are no STOOGES and no ACTORS in this show. ALL the reactions are
>REAL, and
> > EVERYTHING you will see is EXACTLY what you would have seen if you
>had been
> > there with me. These are not MAGIC TRICKS, this is MIND CONTROL"
> >
> > So now we KNOW for a FACT that there ARE ancient card TRICKS** in
>the show
> > which you can SEE clearly. Is it reasonable to conclude that the
>show is
> > ALSO littered with STOOGES and ACTORS? Not to mention well chosen
> > angles and editing room mods.
> >
> Firstly, as an Illusionist or Magician or whatever you want to call
>him, Derren is by his very nature deceitful and deceptive....but what
>do you expect? Even Penn and Teller show the Illusion first before
>they explain it...try to imagine one of their TV specials without the
>performed illusion would be dull as dishwater (comedic
>interplay aside).
> I can't believe just how anally-retentive you are being about
>this. Would you prefer it if Derren explained the trick to the
>participants as he was going along? You know, instead of going
>through the whole 'scream the name out loud in your mind' preamble,
>he could just say 'Look, I'm going to try and read your lips as they
>move' which would turn a moment of fairly mind-blowing magic and/or
>mentallism into a very ordinary display of lip reading.
> I'd personally love to see you work as a medium...I can picture it
>now 'No love, I'm not really talking to your dead husband, I'm just
>using fishing and cold reading techniques so that gullible folk such
>as yourself can fit my vague statements to your own experience. Your
>husband is probably being eaten by maggots as we speak'.....or how
>about as a pro wrestling commentator 'Oh my God! What a piledriver!
>It's a good job that he stopped it a few inches short of driving his
>opponents head into the mat or he could have hurt him!'
> Sure, there are people in MC who are in cahoots with Derren, such
>as the girl being lifted by the boxers, but I very sincerely doubt
>that any of the subjects are 'stooges'. After all, what's the point?
> And, yes, I don't dispute that there is more than meets the eye to
>some of his tricks...but who cares? Derren has never claimed to have
>psychic powers, and if I remember correctly takes great pains in
>pointing this out.
> Basically, lighten up!!!! Otherwise you're going to be devastated
>when you find out that David Blaine can't really fly.....
>[e-mail address removed]
RepliesAuthorYahoo! IDDateSize
2143: Re: Stooges, Actors and Tricks - The Exposéhipparque2002hipparque2002Wed 01/01/20033 KB
2150: Re: Stooges, Actors and Tricks - The ExposéRiagilraencThu 02/01/20033 KB
2189: Re: Stooges, Actors and Tricks - The ExposémarcthomashoganmarcthomashoganMon 06/01/20032 KB
2190: RE: [Derren Brown] Re: Stooges, Actors and Tricks - The ExposéHarry Cannoncannon8allukMon 06/01/20033 KB
2172: Re: Stooges, Actors and Tricks - The Exposéhighroller entertainment castinghighroller entertainment castingSun 05/01/200310 KB

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