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From: highroller entertainment casting
Date: Sun Jan 5, 2003 9:38pm
Subject: Re: Stooges, Actors and Tricks - The Exposé

--- In a previous message Blue Chip wrote:
> > Sure, there are people in MC who are in cahoots with Derren,
> >as the girl being lifted by the boxers,
> Now I come to think of it, I can't come up with a second example.
> thoughts?
> > but I very sincerely doubt
> >that any of the subjects are 'stooges'. After all, what's the
> Precisely! I was beginning to think I was alone on this <phew> - I
am glad
> that someone else (in this case you) has also considered it :)
> I so agree with you. If the show were littered with 'stooges'
and 'actors'
> it would amount to little more than E4's answer to the soap opera.
> would be doing NOTHING impressive and his reputation and E4's
> figures would stand at stake.
> > And, yes, I don't dispute that there is more than meets the eye
> >some of his tricks...but who cares?
> I, for one, am very interested in his work, many other members of
> group would _certainly_ like to see and understand ffaarr more than
> presently do. I personally consider him a great showman and an
> in several respects, both personal and professional - If you think
the guy
> is a complete fraud, then please share it with us, but be prepared
to back
> up your claim.
> >Derren has never claimed to have psychic powers,
> No, he has not, in fact he debunks those who do - especially some
bloke he
> calls "Urine Smeller", the famous spoon bender.
> Derren DOES, however, claim that he does not use ACTORS, STOOGES,
> And as we all know - he, without question, uses Tricks.
> Is it not, therefore, well within reason to infer that he ALSO uses
> and Stooges?
> > and if I remember correctly takes great pains in
> >pointing this out.
> Perhaps I should learn from the Mr B. and take great pains in
clarifying my
> point (perhaps this will also alleviate your slightly uncomfortable
> interest in the muscular dexterity of my rectum.)
> My point is this:
> [allegedly] Uri Geller CLAIMS psychic powers. The proof of the
> of such power is demonstrable only by the use of 'Tricks'. For
this he is
> harrassed by Derren on both a professional and personal level.
> Now, Derren is CLAIMING some form of 'mental prowess' (or whatever
> debateable term you wish to associate with his work) which, again,
is being
> demonstrated by the use of tricks. Yet, when someone (that's me)
> this in a clear and concise manner, with clearly outlined and
> proof; they are described as "anally-retentive" and 'would make a
make a
> lousy medium/comentator'**
> Derrens claim is three-fold, No Stooges, Actors or Tricks. Well, I
> you agree that a Stooge is a form of Actor (or vice-versa) so his
> reduces to "No Stooges or Tricks". This statement is proven 50%
wrong -
> and that is sufficient to cast reasonable doubt on the other 50%
> I think perhaps I over enthused you with my flamboyant writing
style (and
> humerously OTT subject heading). It seems that my reasoning for
the use of
> Stooges has been read as a personal obituary. Put down the weapons.
> **Although I must say I did giggle when I read that. It appealed
the black
> side of my cynical sense of humour ;)
> > Basically, lighten up!!!!
> My Doctor has just told me to put on a stone, don't confuse me !))))
> > Otherwise you're going to be devastated
> >when you find out that David Blaine can't really fly.....
> Don't be silly, he can't actually FLY, he just hovers in one spot :O
> Seriously,
> Try not to take my writing too personally - unless, of course you
are DB
> himself, then I suppose, you kinda HAVE to take it personally? But
> cannot imagine that someone with the apparently incredible
> skills of DB would resort to falsely-attributing skills to a nobody
> then debunking them to make himself feel better.
> Hang loose dude, there really is no need for the personal insults -
I don't
> know you, you don't know me. I will quite happily debate this
issue with
> you, as you desire, but let's see if we can do it without the name-
> Bc At 19:52 31/12/02 +0000, you wrote:
> >--- In a previous message Blue Chip wrote:
> > > Hmm,
> > >
> > > I think you're gonna like this...
> > >
> > > If you want the illusion of DB to remain real, then I suggest
> >stop
> > > reading here:
> > >
> > >
> > > Exposé follows:
> > >
> > >
> > > At the start of MC1, DB states:
> > > "...but that's the only TRICK you are going to SEE in the next
> >hour. There
> > > are no STOOGES and no ACTORS in this show. ALL the reactions
> >REAL, and
> > > EVERYTHING you will see is EXACTLY what you would have seen if
> >had been
> > > there with me. These are not MAGIC TRICKS, this is MIND
> ><sic>
> > >
> > > So now we KNOW for a FACT that there ARE ancient card TRICKS**
> >the show
> > > which you can SEE clearly. Is it reasonable to conclude that
> >show is
> > > ALSO littered with STOOGES and ACTORS? Not to mention well
> >camera
> > > angles and editing room mods.
> > >
> > Firstly, as an Illusionist or Magician or whatever you want to
> >him, Derren is by his very nature deceitful and deceptive....but
> >do you expect? Even Penn and Teller show the Illusion first before
> >they explain it...try to imagine one of their TV specials without
> >performed illusion would be dull as dishwater (comedic
> >interplay aside).
> >
> > I can't believe just how anally-retentive you are being about
> >this. Would you prefer it if Derren explained the trick to the
> >participants as he was going along? You know, instead of going
> >through the whole 'scream the name out loud in your mind' preamble,
> >he could just say 'Look, I'm going to try and read your lips as
> >move' which would turn a moment of fairly mind-blowing magic and/or
> >mentallism into a very ordinary display of lip reading.
> >
> > I'd personally love to see you work as a medium...I can picture
> >now 'No love, I'm not really talking to your dead husband, I'm just
> >using fishing and cold reading techniques so that gullible folk
> >as yourself can fit my vague statements to your own experience.
> >husband is probably being eaten by maggots as we speak'.....or how
> >about as a pro wrestling commentator 'Oh my God! What a piledriver!
> >It's a good job that he stopped it a few inches short of driving
> >opponents head into the mat or he could have hurt him!'
> >
> > Sure, there are people in MC who are in cahoots with Derren,
> >as the girl being lifted by the boxers, but I very sincerely doubt
> >that any of the subjects are 'stooges'. After all, what's the
> > And, yes, I don't dispute that there is more than meets the eye
> >some of his tricks...but who cares? Derren has never claimed to
> >psychic powers, and if I remember correctly takes great pains in
> >pointing this out.
> >
> > Basically, lighten up!!!! Otherwise you're going to be
> >when you find out that David Blaine can't really fly.....
> >
> >
> >
> >[e-mail address removed]
> >
> >
> >
> >> >

Wow.....I didn't think people would take 'anally-retentive' as an
insult...guess I should have used 'nit-picker' or 'hair-splitter'.
It wasn't intended as a personal insult, but I guess the meaning of
my communication is the response that it gets, right? Next time,
I'll just say 'pedantic' or 'academic' or something......

But, yes, I accept your point, it's just that there doesn't seem to
be much point in making it? I don't think the producers would let him
use a stooge/actor for the martial arts segment...although, I've
heard some VERY interesting stories about what the girls at the
Spearmint Rhino will get up to for the right fiscal incentive....:)

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