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From: Blue Chip
Date: Wed Dec 4, 2002 8:58am
Subject: Re: Dud betting ticket

> > Hello, I am new to the group.

I am an
> > amateur hypnotist, and initially started a few years ago,
> > by using a self-hypnosis technique to relieve the
> > pain of a running injury.
I was amazed at how easy
> > it actually was to hypnotise people. Although most
> > methods were considerably time consuming. And so I
> > started to research rapid induction
> > techniques.

When watching Derren Brown's workings at the
> > track with the cashiers (which in my view was the
> > highlight of the show). It was a clever demonstration of a
> > rapid induction technique.
By getting the man to
> > attempt to cash a dud ticket, the cashier goes into an
> > auto pilot mode when running the ticket through the
> > machine (therefore is relaxed). There is no way that the
> > normal punter that is with Derren is going to be able to
> > cash the ticket, but when Derren bangs the glass
> > window after the man has been refused, it startles the
> > woman's subconscious. Making her receptive to the next
> > suggestion ,"that is the horse you are looking
> > for".

The method works on a similar principle to the rapid
> > technique shown below
Hands Pressing Down
> > Method
Spoken to subject
Put your hand on mine. When I
> > count to four, press down as hard as you can.
> > look at me.
Two, pressing down harder. Press it
> > down harder.
Three, eyelids heavy, droopy, drowsy
> > and sleepy.
Four, close them and sleep (Pull hand
> > away now)
(Use a deepening technique)

> > * I will email you a more fitting description of
> > the method above. Which is based on a 30 year old
> > Russian technique, if you fail to see the connection.
> > *

The bang on the glass has a similar effect to that of
> > the rapid sudden pulling way of the hand. It offsets
> > the subconscious making it receptive.

> > technique applied by Derren was truly fascinating.
> >

If you have any comments or points of question let
> > me know.
I thought the people of the site would
> > appreciate the description.

I hope I have not wasted
> > your time and bored you, I suppose I will find
> > out.

Also the detailed descriptions of the hypnosis
> > techniques shown in ganetauk's site can be found
> > at

<a href=

>r>Did you notice aswell that the first time Derren went to the counter
>( on his own ), that he moved around in front of the counter a lot?
>Could this be significant, do you think ?

A couple of observations. Derren demonstrates at the beginning how you can
convince someone that the data from their eyes is more valid than the data
from their ears. He then progresses to produce the same effect, just the
other way around ("on a much higher level" apparently); to convince the
cashier that the data from her ears is more valid than the data from her

In the demonstration, HE sets the pattern: <touches head> - "follow me.." -
"put your hand on your head"... the pattern is set *follow the body, the
words are just repeats*. Interestingly enough I have tried this with a
good number of people (verbatim) and it was my other half who noticed that
people will copy my first two moves and mirror the last. Not yet sure what
this means, but it is an interesting observation. I also love watching the
intellects suffer painfully on this one, I have seen the most 'ready' [to
be tricked] people struggle blindly for two or three seconds as to where to
put their hand (wrist/elbow), before finally conforming to the body
movement. When they do struggle, I move my hand (on my elbow) very
sleightly, glimpse at their elbow, and wait patiently but with bated breath
for the anticpation of a move to follow. This is also quite important in
the delivery, that your tone of voice implies that more instructions will
follow; if it helps you come up with a fourth move, just never get round to
finishing. If you make it clear that it is over as soon as you finish
speaking the last instruction, they will stop in time with you and think -
and that will never do! I mean, we don't want people thinking for
themselves now, do we?

Derren would need to move a certain amount at the boothe to maintain a
visual link with the girl - he HAS to time his frame-break accurately, and
SHE is his only cue. I noticed that he put his head to the bottom of the
window and hypothesised that he could be doing that to draw her eyes
downward. I'm sure it's not impossible, but it is very difficult to recall
information when looking down.

As a note "THIS is the dog...." not "THAT is the dog..." no idea whether it
makes any difference in this senario, but I have seen Derren mis-quoted so
often, and frequently with disasterous effects. His words in this case
have a certain distain and irritation about them, whilst still clearly
being a command - he is really strongly telling her to "get on with it."

Then there is also the 'memory wipe hand move' as he says "WIIINNNdow"
drawing the eyes down, away from recollection. Stack all that with the
fact that on camera he also has the advantage of changing the voice she is
responding to half way through the dilemma.

Not to forget his general appearance, his confidence, his vocal intonation
in general. It's a big stack and beautifully executed.

So long,


RepliesAuthorYahoo! IDDateSize
1830: Memory Wipe Hand MovehappanyhappanyMon 09/12/20027 KB

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