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From: happany
Date: Wed Dec 4, 2002 7:33am
Subject: Re: Dud betting ticket

--- In a previous message Gordo_ala_Moore wrote:
> Hello, I am new to the group.

I am an
> amateur hypnotist, and initially started a few years ago,
> by using a self-hypnosis technique to relieve the
> pain of a running injury.
I was amazed at how easy
> it actually was to hypnotise people. Although most
> methods were considerably time consuming. And so I
> started to research rapid induction
> techniques.

When watching Derren Brown's workings at the
> track with the cashiers (which in my view was the
> highlight of the show). It was a clever demonstration of a
> rapid induction technique.
By getting the man to
> attempt to cash a dud ticket, the cashier goes into an
> auto pilot mode when running the ticket through the
> machine (therefore is relaxed). There is no way that the
> normal punter that is with Derren is going to be able to
> cash the ticket, but when Derren bangs the glass
> window after the man has been refused, it startles the
> woman's subconscious. Making her receptive to the next
> suggestion ,"that is the horse you are looking
> for".

The method works on a similar principle to the rapid
> technique shown below
Hands Pressing Down
> Method
Spoken to subject
Put your hand on mine. When I
> count to four, press down as hard as you can.
> look at me.
Two, pressing down harder. Press it
> down harder.
Three, eyelids heavy, droopy, drowsy
> and sleepy.
Four, close them and sleep (Pull hand
> away now)
(Use a deepening technique)

> * I will email you a more fitting description of
> the method above. Which is based on a 30 year old
> Russian technique, if you fail to see the connection.
> *

The bang on the glass has a similar effect to that of
> the rapid sudden pulling way of the hand. It offsets
> the subconscious making it receptive.

> technique applied by Derren was truly fascinating.

If you have any comments or points of question let
> me know.
I thought the people of the site would
> appreciate the description.

I hope I have not wasted
> your time and bored you, I suppose I will find
> out.

Also the detailed descriptions of the hypnosis
> techniques shown in ganetauk's site can be found


Did you notice aswell that the first time Derren went to the counter
( on his own ), that he moved around in front of the counter a lot?
Could this be significant, do you think ?

RepliesAuthorYahoo! IDDateSize
1770: Re: Dud betting ticketBlue Chipcs_bluechipWed 04/12/20027 KB
1830: Memory Wipe Hand MovehappanyhappanyMon 09/12/20027 KB

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