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From: happany
Date: Mon Dec 9, 2002 1:17am
Subject: Memory Wipe Hand Move

But her eyes DONT follow his hand - she is looking at the ticket
at that moment.

--- In a previous message Blue Chip wrote:
> > > Hello, I am new to the group.

I am an
> > > amateur hypnotist, and initially started a few years ago,
> > > by using a self-hypnosis technique to relieve the
> > > pain of a running injury.
I was amazed at how easy
> > > it actually was to hypnotise people. Although most
> > > methods were considerably time consuming. And so I
> > > started to research rapid induction
> > > techniques.

When watching Derren Brown's workings at the
> >betting
> > > track with the cashiers (which in my view was the
> > > highlight of the show). It was a clever demonstration of a
> > > rapid induction technique.
By getting the man to
> > > attempt to cash a dud ticket, the cashier goes into an
> > > auto pilot mode when running the ticket through the
> > > machine (therefore is relaxed). There is no way that the
> > > normal punter that is with Derren is going to be able to
> > > cash the ticket, but when Derren bangs the glass
> > > window after the man has been refused, it startles the
> > > woman's subconscious. Making her receptive to the next
> > > suggestion ,"that is the horse you are looking
> > > for".

The method works on a similar principle to the
> > > technique shown below
Hands Pressing Down
> > > Method
Spoken to subject
Put your hand on mine. When I
> > > count to four, press down as hard as you can.
> > > look at me.
Two, pressing down harder. Press it
> > > down harder.
Three, eyelids heavy, droopy, drowsy
> > > and sleepy.
Four, close them and sleep (Pull hand
> > > away now)
(Use a deepening technique)

> > > * I will email you a more fitting description of
> > > the method above. Which is based on a 30 year old
> > > Russian technique, if you fail to see the connection.
> > > *

The bang on the glass has a similar effect to that of
> > > the rapid sudden pulling way of the hand. It offsets
> > > the subconscious making it receptive.

> > > technique applied by Derren was truly fascinating.
> > >

If you have any comments or points of question let
> > > me know.
I thought the people of the site would
> > > appreciate the description.

I hope I have not wasted
> > > your time and bored you, I suppose I will find
> > > out.

Also the detailed descriptions of the hypnosis
> > > techniques shown in ganetauk's site can be found
> > > at

<a href=

> >r>
> >
> >
> >
> >Did you notice aswell that the first time Derren went to the
> >( on his own ), that he moved around in front of the counter a
> >Could this be significant, do you think ?
> A couple of observations. Derren demonstrates at the beginning how
you can
> convince someone that the data from their eyes is more valid than
the data
> from their ears. He then progresses to produce the same effect,
just the
> other way around ("on a much higher level" apparently); to convince
> cashier that the data from her ears is more valid than the data
from her
> eyes.
> In the demonstration, HE sets the pattern: <touches head> - "follow
me.." -
> "put your hand on your head"... the pattern is set *follow the
body, the
> words are just repeats*. Interestingly enough I have tried this
with a
> good number of people (verbatim) and it was my other half who
noticed that
> people will copy my first two moves and mirror the last. Not yet
sure what
> this means, but it is an interesting observation. I also love
watching the
> intellects suffer painfully on this one, I have seen the
most 'ready' [to
> be tricked] people struggle blindly for two or three seconds as to
where to
> put their hand (wrist/elbow), before finally conforming to the body
> movement. When they do struggle, I move my hand (on my elbow) very
> sleightly, glimpse at their elbow, and wait patiently but with
bated breath
> for the anticpation of a move to follow. This is also quite
important in
> the delivery, that your tone of voice implies that more
instructions will
> follow; if it helps you come up with a fourth move, just never get
round to
> finishing. If you make it clear that it is over as soon as you
> speaking the last instruction, they will stop in time with you and
think -
> and that will never do! I mean, we don't want people thinking for
> themselves now, do we?
> Derren would need to move a certain amount at the boothe to
maintain a
> visual link with the girl - he HAS to time his frame-break
accurately, and
> SHE is his only cue. I noticed that he put his head to the bottom
of the
> window and hypothesised that he could be doing that to draw her
> downward. I'm sure it's not impossible, but it is very difficult
to recall
> information when looking down.
> As a note "THIS is the dog...." not "THAT is the dog..." no idea
whether it
> makes any difference in this senario, but I have seen Derren mis-
quoted so
> often, and frequently with disasterous effects. His words in this
> have a certain distain and irritation about them, whilst still
> being a command - he is really strongly telling her to "get on with
> Then there is also the 'memory wipe hand move' as he
says "WIIINNNdow"
> drawing the eyes down, away from recollection. Stack all that with
> fact that on camera he also has the advantage of changing the voice
she is
> responding to half way through the dilemma.
> Not to forget his general appearance, his confidence, his vocal
> in general. It's a big stack and beautifully executed.
> So long,
> Bc

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