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From: Philip Collins
Date: Thu Oct 31, 2002 1:46am
Subject: Re: [Derren Brown] Re: pure genius

Whilst I undertsand and appreciate your comments and feedback it is apparent
that this is not a magic/mentalism discussion board. It was set up i believe
as a disscussion forum or fansite if you like, by some of derrens fans
(thanks very much too them btw). Its purpose being too speculate on his
methods and exchange ideas. Being somewhat well read into the art of psychic
entertainment you will be well aware that no method for derrens 'paper
scissors stone' routine has been previously published in any literature.
Having watched his coin in the hand with my own eye to I can tell that its
not banacheks or mcgills method that he's using it's a combination of many
things, something of his own devising. It is apparent that he utilises some
measure of hypnosis, suggestion and linguistics in his stunts and I think it
can only be of benefit for people to try to establish how much of it is
possible that they can achieve, that way the worst that can happen is that
they continually strive to go higher than is even possible.
I think much more valuable, although unexpected lessons will be learnt by
those that use belief as a starting point in their investigations than by
those that turn first to books of tricks, although theres alot of fun to be
had there too.


>From: "xnetman99
>Subject: [Derren Brown] Re: pure genius
>Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 17:58:30 -0000
>--- In a previous message Philip Collins wrote:
> > Whatever the guy's a genius.
>Intelligent, yes, a great performer, yes. Genius - Probably not.
> > In paper scissors stone watch....
> >
> > He starts "you know th agme paper scissors stone where you bang
>your hand
> > three times and come out with something like this (gestures
>Ok here we go...Whilst I'm certainly not going to be giving out any
>secrets. Derren has well and truly pulled the wool over people's
>eyes. To be honest I don't why so many people speculate about how
>Derren achieves his effects. If you go and read books on mentalism
>perhaps a few people will be able to see beyond the 'psychological'
>cover that Derren uses for many of his effects (a few psychological
>effects may be included to mis-lead but that's another topic
>altogether). As far as NLP is concerned - save your money, there is
>very little use for NLP in mentalism. If you are looking for answers
>in order to perform them, can't you be a little more original, be
>yourself perhaps? Personally I would suggest you sit back and enjoy
>the performance. However if people must persist...
>You will probably find the solution is a bit more simple than your
>suggestion. Do you think what you suggest is reliable enough??
> > In the coin in the hand - the second guess serves both as fishing
>and to set
> > up a psychological bind for the third guess.
> >
> > "this one tells me wether you're a challenger (gesturing to his
>Ummm. Again some of Derren's masterful cover. Whilst there are a
>couple of 'physical responses' that can be used these *generally*
>aren't reliable enough to wager £50 over 5 attempts. Think again if
>you really must.
> > Lets have some feedback then....
> >
> > The blind man was simple leading He knows in advance the mans
>choice of
> > location and favourite food and music.
>Could be 'psychological', but speculating isn't really going to give
>you the answer. Try constructing a scenario for someone you know.
>See how successful you are. If you are interested in psychological
>forces I refer you to Banachek's Psychological Subtleties.
>If you or anyone here really is interested in this branch of magic,
>mentalism, I would suggest starting with something like 13 Steps to
>Mentalism by Corinda...and remember to keep the secrets to yourself.
>They are too valuable to just give away. Focus on yourself as a
>performer rather than the effects themselves that way you'll seem to
>be able to pull off the impossible.

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1484: Re: pure geniusxnetman99xnetman99Thu 31/10/20024 KB

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