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From: richard
Date: Thu May 1, 2003 5:05pm
Subject: Re: [Derren Brown] Are you anti-christ ?

Sorry Kirsty - 'Amen' was just a moment of regression to my Catholic just came out in a 'Freudian Slip' sort of way - when what I
really meant to say was " I hate Nuns"...carry on the discussion...please?

-----Original Message-----
From : Kirsty Smith
To : derrenbrown@y...
Date : 01 May 2003 12:57:09
Subject : Re: [Derren Brown] Are you anti-christ ?
Just adding my own random thoughts.....Amen means 'I agree' so no-one needs to
add it to the end of their post unless they are schitzophrenic......
>richardwrote:Joel - several points here from a very
lapsed Catholic and probably one of the older members of this Group.
>1. The Bible is not a book , but a collection of writings - none of which , as
far I i'm aware , were ever actually written at or around the time Jesus Christ
lived ( I'm not disputing the fact that he is a historical figure ) - the
earliest seem to have been several hundred years after the event. Even in this
day & age ,we would be hard-pressed for real accuracy if we started writing
about a figure who lived in the 16th or 17th century about whom all we knew
were verbal sources handed down from generation to generation.
>2. The Bible has been transcribed & re-transcribed from older languages & very
probably has been accidentally or deliberately translated in the process.
>3. Iraq occupies what has been called the 'Cradle Of Civilisation' and has
been argued by some Christian theologians as the site of The Garden Of Eden' .
>4. The Bible shows that the Canaanites who later became Israelites were an
invading , dispossessing tribe who justified their violence by reference to the
Will of God - some things never change.
>5. It is one thing to have Faith - but an unquestioning one in its worst guise
leads to all forms of fraud , abuse , atrocities and the suspension of logic ,
reason & basic humanity.
>I don't believe members of this Group are necessarily 'anti-christ' - just
evidencing a healthy skeptisism & inquistiveness about religions & 'miracles'
in general.
>Rich .
>-----Original Message-----
>From : ýJoel ý
>To : derrenbrown@y...
>Date : 01 May 2003 09:01:54
>Subject : [Derren Brown] Are you anti-christ ?
>I have noticed that there has been several posts recently that are
>>dismissive of the belief that Jesus is as the bible describes him or
>>that his miracles were genuine.
>>I agree that you could replicate similar effects with magic.
>>I know that there are many influences nowadays that suggest that it
>>is cool to be anti-christ, you see it on T-shirts and in music all
>>the time.
>>I don't know how many of you have read prophetic books in the bible
>>such as the book of revelation. Perhaps you would like to do so now ?
>>The langusge is very metaphorical, the NLP fans amongst you will
>>find it fascinating and I'm sure that it's imagery will appeal to
>>you. If you can find notes that explain some of the people and
>>places, you will find it intriguing.
>>I'll give you a couple of pointers:
>>1) Babylon is the area know known as Iraq.
>>2) When you get to the point in the ýtribulationý where it describes
>>leaders in the world drawing up an agreement to support Israel, it
>>might make you stop to think.
>>Try reading it with your mind open, let me know what you think.
>>Also, if you browse the website you will find
>>several pages that describe the methods of Jesus Christ in NLP terms.
>>For those of you who didn't know, the NLP author Michael Hall
>>identifies as christian and he has found that the scientific
>>methodology of NLP is an interesting way of exploring his faith.
>>When you look at the structure of lanuage in the gospels you'll find
>>some really fine examples of pacing, leading, reframing etc. etc.
>>It is undeniable that the bible is a book that is VERY influencial.
>>Find out why, it could be the best thing thing you've ever done.
>>You may now ponder the words that I use to finish this message.
>>God bless you.
>>Joel Buckle
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RepliesAuthorYahoo! IDDateSize
4940: Re: Are you anti-christ ?Kirsty SmithksasmithThu 01/05/20037 KB
4994: Re: Are you anti-christ ?mrb_baileymrb_baileyFri 02/05/20038 KB

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