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From: Adele
Date: Mon Apr 28, 2003 7:48am
Subject: Re: Another Derren Brown?! (Jez Rose)

Personally I think we are being unfair to Jez. And no before you
ask I don't know him personally but I think that is the point. None
of us do. And I don't think we should judge him before at least one
of us has seen his act!
I understand we are all Derren fans (why else would we be here!)
and so being, are very protective of him and his act but I think we
have to give Mr Rose a chance. Just because they work under the same
umbrella of "Psychological Illusionist" doesn't necessarily mean that
their acts are identical.
Ok we do know that they both do the same sticking hands to
something but I imagine the format is completely different. Both
David Blaine and Paul Daniels do the "Pick a card, any card" type
trick but David Blaine's slightly spaced out, laid back producing it
from a parked car is so far removed from Mr Daniels "say yes Paul"
overexcited chatter that it isn't recognisable as the same trick.
I would think that Derren and Jez have very different
personalities and so perform their acts in very different ways. As I
say I have only ever seen the Website so I have no proof of this. I
just feel bad for the guy that everyone is very defensive and
critical of him without really knowing the truth.
After all Derren HAS met him and he is cool about it! What more
proof do we need that he is no threat!
If you ARE reading this Jez I do think you should stand your
ground and fight your corner! I know this is a Derren Brown site but
we discuss other illusionists all the time. In fact i believe a few
of the members are actually in this line of work, professionally or
recreationally. We do value your imput and a purely personal opinion
is that I would welcome you to this site. We love to speculate on how
the tricks are done and while I certainly wouldn't want any secrets
revealed you would be in a very unique and fun position of being able
to play "you're getting warmer.... no no colder!" teasing with us! So
please come back and talk to us. And guys welcome him. Don't attack.
Play nice!!

--- In a previous message, jezrose1 wrote:
> Sang,
> I don't feel it would be right for me to share information about me
> on what is, essentially, a place for fans of Derren. If you're
> interested in my personal style [which is, incidentally, although
> similar as it is so unique, different to Derrens] then look at the
> new website which will go online later in May....hopefully.
> I was just a little annoyed to read that I was "copying Derren",
> branded unfairly as someone out to mimic and take over Derren's
> persona. Think of it, simply, like other professional performers
> performing 'street magic' - they aren't copying or "out to get"
> David Blaine, they are giving the public what they want. It is
> slightly different in this context because of the specialist nature
> of this particular style and there are therefore less of us doing
> If I don't reply, I'm not being rude, only I don't make a point of
> watching these forums. I'll let you get on now with enjoying
> Derren's performance. I hope I've cleared a few things up.
> Another Derren Brown? No. I'm Jez Rose.

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4798: Re: Another Derren Brown?! (Jez Rose)liv_porterliv_porterMon 28/04/20036 KB

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