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From: Blue Chip
Date: Fri Apr 11, 2003 7:01am
Subject: Re: [Derren Brown] Re: What is needed to trigger anchors - Persuasion-Skills

>In addition touch anchors can be unreliable as you have to touch the
>exact spot - and that is not always possible...

Do you not agree with the concept of sliding anchors? Where the essense is
not to use the same spot.
Also, if the anchor is based on the WAY you touch, then again, the
destination is not THAT important.
Finally, if you need to access the same spot again, make sure of this when
you set the anchor.

> > (2) Marc the other day said that it can
> > be greatly enhanced by ensuring you are in that state first,
> > before you try to trigger it in them.
>There are two important factors here
>a) To elicit the state you yourself must experience it to some extent
>I.e. if you want to anchor happiness, be in a happy state yourself!

But if you want to anchor a sad state, just "pretend" to be sad. You might
like to debate the incredible power of the word "pretend" when applied to
state conditions.

> > (3) Tom Vizzini suggested in one of his
> > articles that you need to be in the same state as you were in when
> > you created the anchor. (This is generalisation of Marc's.)
>Yes exactly!!
>Tom is completely right!

Not at all!

BUT.. "it will have a much more powerful response" if you are.

No single component is "necessary", but when you start removing the bricks,
the structure slowly starts to decompose. So, choose carefully which
bricks you plan to take out. It's a big game of jenga

> > (4) On pg 84 of Frogs into Princes it saus, "As long as I repeat
> > that touch with the same pressure at then same point on Linda's
> > body, and she has no stronger competing states of consciousness
> > when I begin, it will always re-access that experience."
>As I said this book was written over 20 years ago!

Are you discounting it? or just that this statement has 20 years of
validity behind it?

>It works on touch - why not use spatial anchoring - much more covert!

Why not use touch - much more personal!
This form of anchoring is still in popular play today with cults such as
the Freemasons etc.
I would be loathed to dismiss it without wondering why it had been used for
centuries to such powerful ends. (..your honour !JOKE!)

Hey, why not procure all the power you can muster and have both... hmmm...
:I stroke her face - she feels good
:I blow her a kiss - she feels good

aaarrrgghhhh, I'm turning into Just Wretch Please (sorry, I meant, Ross
Jeffries) ...yrreT ...or not

>It also says same pressure on the same spot - fine in a therapeutic
>context - very difficult in every day conversation. They used to
>suggest that you put a little chalk dust on your finger so you could
>mark the spot!! Again not very practical

LOL - brilliant! - totally brilliant!

Maybe you could put a fag burn in their jacket, then you'd still know where
to poke, the next time they came in :-)

>Also if you want to access the state a no of times, in a
>conversation - it would be very easy for you to get caught - some
>people don't like to be touched repeatedly!

Yes, I agree, you should not rely on JUST K anchors

>Now for the Most Important Point!!
> >and she has no stronger competing states of consciousness
> > when I begin, it will always re-access that experience."
>So you need to re-access her state, thru youur state!
>You can accidentally fire an anchor that someone else has placed -
>if original experiance is strong enough (my website has an example)

or maybe "the way you tilt your head reminds me of my friend who died last
you mean like saying "I dare you" to invoke a reaction
or "did your |_grandmother teach you that?"
no woman wants to hear "my mum wears that perfume"

...hang on we've done, Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Olfactory, ahh yes,
sense 5, Gustatory (VAKOG)

5) or... "your eyes taste like the gumdrops I used to get when I was a good
boy" after all that, how do you feeeel (Emotions=V+A+K+O+G when considered
within your representational system)

...i'm guessing "pretty good" as I left you with a joke and told you you
were a "good boy" (sorry ladies, but I'm told that most of you are quite

>In fact if they are in a really bad state and you fire the anchor
>all you'll probably do is anchor that bad state!!!!

Yes, time to invet everything, the anchor, your tone of voice, your
submodality references ...well, it's only a rule, not a fact. Maybe you
can find places where the rule DOESN'T work?

>However if you fire the anchor with intent
>by re-accessing your state)
>It will increase the power of the anchor, and allow that person to
>reactivate the state.

This slots nicely in with the cotech (irc = chats
on pace and lead.
Guess how they feel; try to feel the same, act the same, talk the same,
etc; slowly start to feel a new way until it is engulfing - they will
surely follow (if done properly.) You will find natural anchors all the
way through (you change breathing, voice tone, posture, etc.) so the
addition of more achors (such as picking your nose or better still, their
nose, at the right time) will only serve to support you in the long term.

>In fact if you create a sliding anchor - you can even build this
>state even more powerfully!!

aha - I said about that earlier.
My fave was for running your fingers through your hair - where do you
stop?? Always?? Does it change when you're happy??

> > I'd love to hear your thoughts on enhancing anchors.
> > In particular, input on the "competing states" phrase
> > would be appreciated too.

I'm with Mark on this one (WOW!)
I suggest if you are aware of a competing state, then UTILISE it!
Get in there with them, and move out slowly but surely - often in "fits and

The End :)


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