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From: Blue Chip
Date: Fri Apr 11, 2003 2:04am
Subject: Re: [Derren Brown] Re: What is needed to trigger anchors - Persuasion-Skills

<looks baffled>

I can only presume your answer would be... "That sir, is not my dog"


At 00:49 11/04/03 +0000, you wrote:
>Marc....I was wondering, if possible could you email your newsletter
>please computer is acting odd, so can't send out emails at this
>time...but receiving seems fines (i know what it is, just takes
>awhile to sort out)
>metamind @ hotmail . com (without the spaces, darn yahoo lol)
>Thanks is advance Marc!
>Regards TerryrreT--- In a previous message marcthomashogan
><> wrote:
> > Hi Greg
> >
> > Hope you are well
> >
> > --- In a previous message Greg S
> > wrote:
> > > Hi all
> > >
> > > There are various views on the conditions to make
> > > triggering effective.
> >
> > > (1) Some texts say that simply the touch of the anchor
> > > is sufficient to trigger a strong anchor. Certainly so
> > > many of the anecdotes I've read seem to suggest that
> > > is all that is required.
> >
> > Many of the original NLP texts were written over 20 years ago and
> > the importance of state control was not fully understood.
> >
> > I have recently spent time with
> >
> > Richard Bandler
> >
> > John Grinder
> >
> > &
> >
> > Eric Robbie
> >
> > NLP has significantly changed and been refined over the last 20
> > years...
> > Also anchoring was often used in a therapeutic context, to have a
> > similar effect in the real world you need to ensure you strongly
> > elicit the state in the person that you which to anchor.
> >
> >
> > In addition touch anchors can be unreliable as you have to touch
> > exact spot - and that is not always possible...
> >
> > > (2) Marc ( the other day said that it can
> > > be greatly enhanced by ensuring you are in that state first,
> > > before you try to trigger it in them.
> >
> > Yes!!
> >
> > There are two important factors here
> >
> > a) To elicit the state you yourself must experience it to some
> >
> > I.e. if you want to anchor happiness, be in a happy state yourself!
> >
> > b) When you fire the anchor if you re-access the state first in you
> > as you fire it - it will have a much more powerful response
> >
> > As Bandler says "Your state leads their state"!
> >
> > I will be covering this in more detail in my Newsletter!
> >
> > > (3) Tom Vizzini ( suggested in one of his
> > > articles that you need to be in the same state as you were in
> > > you created the anchor. (This is generalisation of Marc's.)
> >
> > Yes exactly!!
> >
> > Tom is completely right!
> >
> > > (4) On pg 84 of Frogs into Princes it saus, "As long as I repeat
> > > that touch with the same pressure at then same point on Linda's
> > > body, and she has no stronger competing states of consciousness
> > > when I begin, it will always re-access that experience."
> >
> >
> > Ok
> >
> > As I said this book was written over 20 years ago!
> >
> > It works on touch - why not use spatial anchoring - much more
> >
> > It also says same pressure on the same spot - fine in a therapeutic
> > context - very difficult in every day conversation. They used to
> > suggest that you put a little chalk dust on your finger so you
> > mark the spot!! Again not very practical
> >
> > Also if you want to access the state a no of times, in a
> > conversation - it would be very easy for you to get caught - some
> > people don't like to be touched repeatedly!
> >
> >
> >
> > Now for the Most Important Point!!
> >
> > >and she has no stronger competing states of consciousness
> > > when I begin, it will always re-access that experience."
> >
> > So you need to re-access her state, thru youur state!
> >
> >
> > You can accidentally fire an anchor that someone else has placed -
> > if original experiance is strong enough (my website has an example)
> >
> > In fact if they are in a really bad state and you fire the anchor
> > all you'll probably do is anchor that bad state!!!!
> >
> > However if you fire the anchor with intent
> > by re-accessing your state)
> >
> > It will increase the power of the anchor, and allow that person to
> > reactivate the state.
> >
> > In fact if you create a sliding anchor - you can even build this
> > state even more powerfully!!
> >
> > > I'd love to hear your thoughts on enhancing anchors.
> > > In particular, input on the "competing states" phrase
> > > would be appreciated too.
> >
> >
> > Hope that helps Greg
> >
> > Kind Regards
> >
> > Marc
> >
> > Marc Hogan
> >
> > Free Newsletter available! - Next issue Secrets of Anchoring!
> > Please send e-mail via Website
>[e-mail address removed]>

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