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Message ID: 04098[ Previous ]    [ Next ]    [ Up Thread ]

From: novembertuesday
Date: Thu Apr 3, 2003 9:39pm
Subject: Re: various - going completely OT ;o)

If it's the volume of emails going to your mailbox, there is a simple
remedy. You can change your group mailing options [edit my
membership] either to a daily digest format or no emails at all, so
you can only read the messages online at the group page. That way
you can pick and choose which ones to read, or not, as the case may

Look! I used the OT! *is proud*



--- In a previous message Paulo Romani
> Hi,
> I know some are going to say they enjoy the off topic emails, and
some of
> those people contribute a lot, so why not simply put "OT" in the
> header from now on. Those of us who only want the derren related
> then we're able to use a mail filter to bin the off-topic ones.

--- In a previous message magic_woody wrote:
> Okay it's been a while since I've posted so forgive me if I'm
> I have a few points.
> 1. A subject was brought up about limiting lurkers and putting
> safety precautions in for children. One of the points raised was
> remove members for not posting emails (the lurkers). I am totally
> against this. One of the main reasons for this is that I am
> receiving 50 emails a day including such subjects as; which music
> album is the best, how to play the piano; who likes the violin?, I
> sat in row k at some event next to some person, watch dead poet
> society and who can forget the numerous Sherlock Holmes, as you
> probably know the list goes on. So how about limiting this stuff
> private email and save the rest of us time.

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