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From: killerb_0187
Date: Mon Mar 31, 2003 10:42am
Subject: [Derren Brown] Re: INDUCE.... Then REMOVE a headache!!

--- In a previous message Blue Chip
> Couple of additions. You only have ONE carotid artery, it is the
main feed
> from the upper left ventricle of the heart to the brain.
The "other one"
> is the jugular and carries the waste blood from the brain. They
lie safely
> behind a pair of large muscle groups, found on the sides of the
neck. If
> you actually manage to clamp it you have the "vulcan nerve grip" -
and yes,
> if anything, it works a lot faster than on TV.
> If you cannot breathe, then you are crushing the wind pipe -
blocking the
> carotid, in my experience does not cause shortness or difficulty of
> - if anything the breathing rate increases nominally
> TWENTY seconds!!!???? Byeeeeeeeeeee - even with a standard Jujitsu
> hold it doesn't take THAT long to cause brain damage!?

LOL, soz...

I'm new to this, but I did it on myself for about 20 seconds, and I
did have difficulty breathing (I think it's in the script), but it
did induce a headache (in myself).

But BC, it sounds to me as if you percieved that I meant SQEEEZING it
HARD (like strangling someone, lol), I didn't, and I appologise if I
mislead you (or anyone else on the group). You just have to press
LIGHTLY, and then let go, it shouldn't cause too much damage. People - this is ludicrously dangerous - we're talking permanent
> damage if you get it right - pleeeeese don't do it!

Heh, yeah, you shouldn't do it, I specifically mentioned "EDUCATIONAL
PURPOSES ONLY", and this time I DO MEAN IT. Alot of sites put that up
so they don't get sued or whatever, but this is kinda dangerous (as
BC pointed out), so I reckon you shouldn't do it, unless you really
know what you're doing.

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