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From: mikebrown422000
Date: Tue Mar 25, 2003 8:15am
Subject: Re: Walk the Plank

--- In a previous message aitch_at_qutec

> We see something on a monitor that *looks like* it is in
> nightvision. For sake of argument, if the room were lit up with
> bright lights, is it *possible* to make a monitor look like it was
> nightvision (only show the green end of the spectrum etc etc).
> I'm just asking "is it possible"?

Absolutely. Ever seen a "green-screen" monitor? Monochrome, but not
black and white (black and green!).

No faking needed there, it only ever produces a greeny picture.


RepliesAuthorYahoo IDDateSize
3678: Re: Walk the PlankBlue Chipcs_bluechipTue 25/03/20033 KB

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