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From: Mark
Date: Mon Mar 17, 2003 2:14pm
Subject: Re: eye cues

> They're certainly not a waste of time. But just like body language,
> etc... They shouldn't be taken too seriously!

Hi, first post to this group so hello! Just wanted to say that I
agree, they aren't a waste of time. Originally, a tool for therapy,
the eye movements helped to detect which modality (V,A or K) a person
was using (both consciously and unconsciously) and so helped improve
communication between therapist and client. Also, it helps to
identify those modalities the client associated with bad and good
memories/phobias/traumas etc., and this information is used to
overcome psychological problems. I first read about this in the
book 'Monsters and Magical Sticks' by Stephen Heller - an intersting

Outside of therapy it's useful for telling if someone is lying (or
embellishing the truth :), and knowing what language to use with them
(I *See*, or *Sounds* good etc...). Interestingly in the book 'Frogs
into Princes', Richard Bandler alludes to a methods for making people
see things that aren't quite there using this knowledge. Shame he
didn't elaborate...(this is the dog you're looking for - slap hand to
move eyes to the upper left..., visual recall...mmm)

Some people are dead-giveaways with the eyes. I wonder if the guy on
the polygraph was one of them?


RepliesAuthorYahoo IDDateSize
3479: Re: eye cuesBlue Chipcs_bluechipMon3/17/20033 KB
3521: Re: eye cuesmrb_baileyWed 19/03/20034 KB

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