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From: metric2009
Date: Tue Mar 11, 2003 1:28am
Subject: Re: [Derren Brown] Actual Tips On How To Do The DB Stuff !

FOR INFO, not all the orignal post is here (useful to know sometimes)

> Try "back" next time - sometimes you get lucky and it is still
there - cut
> to clipboard and you're away :)

Yes tried going back, it was totally empty :/

> was this the trick when "isssssssssabel" had to guess a letter
which was
> -not- the -first- letter of her name.
> say "ssssssssss" as you write
> say "i am trying to suggest something to you" and glimpse toward
your hands
> with fingers knitted into an S shape
> Take either hand
> ask: "are you left handed?"
> wait for answer
> say "oh my mistake"
> take other hand

OK Yeah I guess thats what he was doing, I made some of it up
actually cause I couldn't quite remember, but I have a fairly good
feel for the technique... I don't qute get you on the 'Take either
hand' part, what do u mean? Thanks for the fast reply!

> >3. Hand on table.. (like one of them radio shows)
> >I don't know how to make this work really, but briefly, "put your
> >hand on the table. Push it into the table hard! (thats important
> >methinks). Look at me." Look at them! A bit below their eyes, you
> >want to speak to their sub-conscious. Say in authoritive
voice "When
> >I snap my fingers/pick my nose etc. you will be unable to lift your
> >hand. No matter how hard you try to UNSTICK your hand it will
> >FIRMLY STUCK to the table, the harder you try, the more it presses
> >into the table." Try waving your hand while doing this, and then
> >while picking your nose, wave your hand again and challenge them
> >to 'try lifting their hand'. Can this work?? Am I missing
> >The same for memory loss, get them to recall what its like to lose
> >their memory, when they do, perform an action you can use again to
> >make them forget (hand wave), also telling them they will not
> >remember their name (or how to spell it or how old they are)... but
> >this hasn't worked for me (tried 1 person!)
> try to repeat derrens patter word-for-word, pace-for-pace and
> tonality-for-tonality; be quick and clearly spoken; my fave is "the
> YOU TRY IN VAIN" - you can also anchor the state to a some finger
> if you like.

Yeah I get you there, I remember him saying that, i listened a few
times & it was one of those bits he said quite mumbled, does that
help alot? It doesnt seem like very good language to use, you kinda
have to think about that more to understand it no? Or is that the
point? They try but they will be thinking 'my efforts are in vain'?
Did you mean the harder you try in vain or is it good to confuse them
with slightly off grammer?

PS did u try much of this? If so...

RepliesAuthorYahoo! IDDateSize
3298: Re: Actual Tips On How To Do The DB Stuff !Blue Chipcs_bluechipTue 11/03/20038 KB
3302: Re: Actual Tips On How To Do The DB Stuff !mat_2001matmat_2001matTue 11/03/20033 KB
3308: Re: Tips etc. On Doing The DB Stuff !metric2009metric2009Tue 11/03/20033 KB
3315: Re: Tips etc. On Doing The DB Stuff !Blue Chipcs_bluechipTue 11/03/20034 KB
3316: Re: Tips etc. On Doing The DB Stuff !metric2009metric2009Tue 11/03/20032 KB

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