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From: gordo_ala_moore
Date: Fri Nov 8, 2002 6:54pm

If i were to go on to any of the open or 'closed' magic forums people
would quite openly discuss the books etc which Derren himself derived
many his effects,(I am almost certain Derren would quite happily
divulge himself if you asked him).

Knowing these tricks does not make me Derren Brown or a 'vulture',
but in away at least gives me a taste of the art. I could, if i
wanted easily murder virtually every effect I have ever read eg. if i
were to say, "think of a number between 1 and 10", and then one nano
second later say "you were thinking of seven !". WOW !!!

I suspect that very same trick performed/dressed by Derren may very
well put an audience in a state of awe. I my opinion , it is his
charisma and presentation that makes him so unique. Derren quite
happily shares his '10 year later' analogy, and i suppose it is that
very open secret to which every magician aspires. Regardless of how
we pick at his tricks on this board, that 'building' will never be

. I Have a feeling that if you spent as much time and energy
> at
> > an educational establishment such as a college or university you
> would
> > be very clever people. However I think it is safe to say that you
> will
> > never be truly rewarded by your efforts. Most of you spend too
> > time her in cyber land instead of going out and mixing with real
> > people, I see you all as sad individuals who's ignorance will
lead ....

You sound very bitter mate(Why is that?), If you spent a bit more
time looking in the mirror or at your priorities, maybe this board
would not upset you as much. Ignorant people such as us should not
get you in such a state, as the good man Sting says "It takes a
gentleman to suffer ignorance and smile" . Take a leaf out of his
book, and remember, you never need read a post on this horrible group
ever again.

As far as the people on this group go, I for one, find the posts very
sociable, and like to waste, on occasion, time reading these posts.
An intellectual such as yourself whose time is far too valuable, need
not bother.

As far as I know, Derren has never had a problem with this board.
And even graced us with a chat, what a nice fellow!.

There you go, that has got it off of my chest. :)

Cheers, Gordon

--- In a previous message wayneryder wrote:
> Thanks for sharing your views here...
> Personally, I doubt I'll ever try any of Derren's techniques, I
> find it interesting to see him work and know what's going
on 'behind
> the scenes'. So what audience are you talking about, in my case?
> I also think some of the best 'tricks' he does are the ones where
> gives the game away himself, Penn & Teller style (the advertising
> people f'rinstance). His in-between shows segments explained a lot
> his techniques. There from the horse's mouth, that was what he was
> doing: "See if you can spot..."
> He often even tells people he's duping how he's doing it, so what's
> the big secret?
> There's a yawning chasm between knowing how something's done, and
> doing it yourself; as anyone who's cooked something from a recepie
> book can verify.
> He's used established tricks & routines before (I pointed out the
> Georgia Lift for one). So is he not guilty of stealing or using
> people's material to his own ends? Or does it make a differrence
> he's got an Equity card?
> David Blaine & Paul Zenon both use hinge coins for a routine.
> can, you can buy them from magic shops. But should I resist the
> temptation to fool a couple of my friends, or should I hope that
> day they bump into a filmed street magician so they get the job
> properly?
> I obviously don't share your view. I think what we're doing here is
> no more harmful than finding out how Disney make their cartoons or
> how ILM do their effects. I'm no more interesting for knowing how
> animation or CGI work. just means I've got some books in my house
> that I like to read and get a kick out of.
> I read your 'Careful Builder' poem, I understood it. Unfortunately,
> you think we somehow dislike Derren and want to rip him off. I
> you're misunderstanding the whole 'fan' thing, the same way Oasis
> their management) made their fans remove copyrighted content and
> way Fox are shutting down Simpsons sites. I'm not getting any
> by writing this, and I can't see how Derren Brown can get any
> because of it.
> But if anyone ever does break into DB's house, I've got my eye on
> Orson Welles painting...
> --- In a previous message mentalistical wrote:
> > It really does amaze me when I browse the pages of this group.
> > people are a nightmare, you really are vultures circling high up,
> > frequently swooping down to pick at or dismantle a performer and
> his
> > effects. I Have a feeling that if you spent as much time and
> at
> > an educational establishment such as a college or university you
> would
> > be very clever people. However I think it is safe to say that you
> will
> > never be truly rewarded by your efforts. Most of you spend too
> > time her in cyber land instead of going out and mixing with real
> > people, I see you all as sad individuals who's ignorance will
> > only to destroy that which others hold so close to their hearts.
> >
> > "It doesn't matter what performance level you're at. It doesn't
> matter
> > if magic is your hobby, your past time, your passion or your
> career.
> > If you treat your audience, and your art, with such dignity and
> > respect that others can't wait to see more magic, then your own
> > purposes – whatever they may be, will be better served than any
> other
> > way. Only perform quality, well-rehearsed material, and treat
> > audience member with the respect they deserve". Michael Ammar
> >
> >
> >
> > I saw them tearing a building down - a gang of men, in my
> >
> > With a heave, and a ho, and a 'yes, yes!' yell They swung a beam,
> and
> > a sidewall fell.
> >
> > I said to the foreman, "Are these men skilled? Like the ones
> use
> > if you had to build?"
> >
> > He laughed and said, "Oh, no! Indeed! The most common labor's all
> > need. Because I can destroy, in a day or two, what it takes a
> builder
> > ten years to do."
> >
> > And I thought to myself, as I went my way - Which of these roles
> I
> > willing to play?
> >
> > Am I one, who's tearing down, as I carelessly make my way around?
> >
> > Or am I one who builds with care? So my family, my community, is
> just
> > a little better, because I was there.
> >
> > For many of you this post will mean nothing, you will simply read
> on
> > and dismiss it. You may not even bat an eye at my comments. I
> you
> > to stop dismantling this man. Mr Brown is an excellent performer
> and
> > has worked exceptionally hard to be able to present his mind
> the
> > way he does. If any of you where magicians or mentalists who had
> > painstakingly built an amazing repertoire and some of your own
> > effects, I'm sure you would be appalled at any expose and
> plagiarist
> > groups like this one. A performance is such a personal thing, for
> > someone to steal from it is like an attack on yourself, you may
> > well break into Mr Browns house and steel his personal belongings.
> >
> > I hear many of you say "hi I have been into NLP, hypnosis and
> > for five years" yet you still come in here and talk crap. The
> be
> > known If you had been into magic for five years you wouldn't post
> > stuff in here, well you would but only to poke fun at idiots.
> >
> > So to the vultures and thieves, keep reading the NLP books I'm
> > they will make you very strong, powerful and not to mention
> > interesting

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1637: stingfalsedogfalsedogFri 08/11/20022 KB

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