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From: Gordo_ala_Moore
Date: Wed Mar 6, 2002 4:32pm
Subject: Re: To Chris

"I'm also a psychology student and do a little
clinical hypnotherapy"

That is so cool Chris. What
year are you in?.
It is a pity you have not done
more NLP. I though you would have?

At what UNI
do you study psychology? I have quite fancied doing
a psychology course, myself. Software Engineering
hummmf !!!

That is so sweet, they let you use
real people to practice curing phobias.

that NLP thing, from a software engineers point of
view(which of course, is not worth much) it is possibly
worth a read.

I cured my phobia of believing
everything people tell me, using it.



P.S. Nice detailed posts. Have you read any books on
hypnosis that you would recommend ?
It really is
amazing, that all those books i have read on stage
hypnosis are all talking pish.

Wow McGills book,
what a waste of money. Lets burn them.

you think?

RepliesAuthorYahoo! IDDateSize
634: Re: To Gordondaz_rythmndaz_rythmnWed 06/03/20022 KB

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