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From: daz_rythmn
Date: Wed Mar 6, 2002 3:02pm
Subject: Re: Stage Hypnosis Part2

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the information, I
for one found it very informative.

I am
interested in your views on a much faster technique of
curing phobias as practised by Paul McKenna.
of actually finding the root problem(ie repressed
memory in your case) he deals with the way the fear is
This is also less intrusive, because occasionally bad
memories that suddenly surface can be extremely
I think this is a relatively new technique(please
correct me if i'm wrong).

FYI I read about it on a
Hypnotherapist Forum, where it was performed on an audience
member(I think the fear was snakes).


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628: Re: Derren Interviewdaz_rythmndaz_rythmnWed 06/03/20021 KB

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