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From: BlueChip
Date: Sat May 31, 2003 10:44pm
Subject: Bad Hypnotic Suggestions (was Stupid Question)

This is quite a cute way to try and install random phobia's




>okay, imagine this,

please go into trance

>you see a red car go past.

go to picture mode - most people are plyable here, and lets "face" it, we
might as well try and "screw" as many people as we can.

>You can recall it was red

No I can't - there was no car, this is just imagination.
I can IMAGINE it was red if it helps you program me...

...if you can imagine that the car was Blue will enjoy reading BC's comments - LOL ;)

>but can't remember the number plate,

So you want me to pretend I have a bad memory ...I wonder why (LOL)

>yet you saw both.

So you want me to imagine that I saw something; and then imagine that I
forgot it. okay

...sounds like a hypnotic induction to me...

>If I were to hypnotise you

Oh yes, you really are going for it aren't you...

>or even get you into a very relaxed state

Is there a difference?

Is everybody obeying the suggetions properly so far?
...cos we are about to try and program you with a random phobia!
...and if you DON'T trance out now <<< __OI!!__ WAKEY WAKEY >>>
...((look away from the screen and make a noise to break trance ...if you
...our programming will go wrong and we will end up looking stupid.

>you would be able to recall the numberplate.

So now I must imagine a world where I have already been hypnotised and I
can remember the imaginary thing that I was told I had forgotten just after
being told to remember something else.

OK, I can do that :)

...This is a quality induction Mr Flamingo

/bc looks away and coughs


{who cares}


ohhh comes a presupposition...

>although you were not CONSCIOUSLY aware of it


There is no independant thought here - you have told us exactly what we
should do at every step of the way ...and some people might think that you
are about to make a point ...and you're not - are you!?

>you did see and remember the numberplate

So now you want me to pretend that I *did* remember the number plate having
told me me to imagine I can't.

...I bet this works really well with gullible people.

>and it can be recalled by your sub-conscious.

You wouldn't believe me if I told you what I can do with my sub-concious -

>It is due to the subconscious that people develop phobias,

Indeed it is - but everybody who has read even the cover of an NLP book can
cure any phobia in anybody (including themselves - in fact it is even
easier on yourself) in under 20 minutes

> but that's another dtory...

deliberate spelling error?
...possibly not, but serendipitous as it distracts from the embedded
command "develop a phobia"

...As I read ...I realise that I have a strong mind
...I know that fear is the mind-killer
...I refuse to be scared by things when it is not necessary


Quite a nice induction. It's very much like the induction used by DB on
the political speeches. Shame about the bad post-hypnotic suggestion :(

Politcians or Phobias? Maybe you can find the link?

Smile :)


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