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Message ID: 05505[ Previous ]    [ Next ]    [ Up Thread ]

From: Blue Chip
Date: Sat May 17, 2003 12:01pm
Subject: Re: [Derren Brown] Re: Goodbye!!

You will be missed.

Maybe you could drop back from time-to-time, let us know of your successes?

You seem to have concerns about your looks - perhaps you would find more
confidence if you sell yourself (in the purely metaphorical sense) to
someone who judges their friends by artistic talent, intellect, humour, and
dedication - I might not know you to look at, but I do do know you well
enough to realise that you are NOT one of the usual 'dross' life is
responsible for - never sell yourself short!

Be lucky ;-)


>Oh dear Poppy. I'm not going to persuade you to come back (because
>you said you're stubborn etc) but...
>The joys of getting a new Yahoo! ID ;-)
>We'll miss ya,
>Loz xx
>--- In a previous message, notthatsmart2003
> wrote:
> > I have decided to leave you lovely people!
> > This is for several reasons........
> >
> > 1) I have become absurdly obsessed with this group! As far as i'm
> > concerned i spend too much time talking bollocks and this group
> > compounds this affliction!
> >
> > 2)For me the whole glory of the group was the challenge....The
> > challenge of 3 things.....firstly to find out the logistics(perhaps
> > the wrong word) of how derren mannaged to become the iconic
> > illusionist he is today, secondly to 'suss out' how the effects are
> > achieved and finally to try to uncover his pseudonym ( cant spell
> > word ;-s) Sadly i have failed on all points...except one!
> >
> > 3)I love reading other peoples perceptions on various matters!
> > Especailly a group that is seemingly significantly more articulate
> > than your average person( and me for that matter.)The
> > of all of you have been a joy to observe.
> >
> > The real reason of course is none of the above.
> > The further i look into the Rabbit hole,the deeper it gets!! For
> > someone like me this is dangerous, purely because I turn into a
> > petulant toddler if I dont get what i want...
> >
> > With the whole Derren 'thang' you can spend hours unravling various
> > components to the mans artistry....However you will never have a
> > solid answer to anything! Its like a complex bit of
> > calculus...working on it, but having had the answer page at the
> > torn out! I HATE THAT and it eventually drives me loopy!
> >
> > so.... Ive decided to quit while im ahead ( meaning still mentally
> > intact!)Besides i've got too much to do over the next few months
> > destractions are not what i need:-)
> > Im writting this for my own selfish perposes....Im a proud person
> > wickedly stubborn, so once this is posted i'll not be tempted to
> > return!
> >
> > cheers all Na na (Poppy - and yes,Poppy is my real name!)
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