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From: na na
Date: Fri May 16, 2003 8:36pm
Subject: Re: [Derren Brown] Re: You're all very attractive...

Si,im acctually quite shy, my posts are the rantings that i wish i could
voice,but dont have the guts to.You have the wrong girl though. Im English (
look a little French/Russian/Spainish/Jewish- grandparents arent English) but
im very pale skinned ( i dont like sunbathing,too boring.) Im not a goth, there
seemed to be a few of them that night!

I would post a picture,but the real truth is im too embarrassed by my looks,
thats why im at a computer on a friday night, im fed up of watching all my
beautiful friends get chatted up by blokes and it depresses me.

iamontheinternet wrote:
Hi everyone!
I'm so glad you're all intrigued by the Birmingham show stage door
going's on!

> Si, Si, Si........ I remember now!! (quite a looker arent you!)
Poppy, you are incredibly kind with your comments! A lot of my female
friends say I'm good looking, but I don't believe them!

Thinking back to that night, coupled with the psychological insight
you have given about your personality through your last post, I think
I remember who you are, but to confirm, do you have darker skin /
what do you consider your ethnic origin to be? I do remember 2 cute
looking girls, but their southern accents were incredibly strong... ;)

> I spoke to Derren almost immediatly after you.
I was on an adrenaline high, so forgive me if I don't remember much
after I had spoken to Derren! :S

As for you Lauren...
> Si, how did you know it was moi?
Lol! My suspicions were first aroused when Derren said "thank you,
Lauren" when you came out and started walking away from the group.
Other people waiting to see Derren also called out "Thank you,
Lauren" in a mimicking fashion!!! I considered running from the back
of the queue to come and speak to you (just so I could say I've met
you!), but I reconsidered when I saw Derren (I'm sorry)!

Eventually, he came to sign my programme, and I almost froze, but
found the words to say "I know you search for yourself online ..." he
looks intrigued; "yes", "well, have you come across a website –
Derren Brown Master Mentalist?", Derren says "that's you?!" we talk
for a little bit, both of us being as charming as ever. I said "I
can't believe I am standing here in front of you in the flesh" – he
says the same about me – its not everyday you meet someone who has
made a website dedicated to you is it?! We shook hands several times
(much more man-ly than kissing each other and hugging – which I'm
sure he did with all the women)!
I also said I had met "Ria" who runs the Devoted-to-Derren site.
Derren replied "oh yea, ... did you know that was Lauren who came out
with me – the owner of the "Yahoo Groups" site?"

So there you go. So go on, tell us – just what happened with Derren
before he came out to meet us?

... don't take this the wrong way Lauren, but I thought you looked
much shorter I real life than I imagined you to!!

>Nikki wrote:
> what's with all the waiting at the stage door stuff...does he no
longer come to the bar????
I actually waited at the bar after the show, but everything was
closed. Luckily I asked someone and they told me he would do a
signing by the stage door after the show.

Will this post ever end? Will finish off saying – as strange as it
was, the day before his show, I saw Paul Zenon coming out of
Birmingham's Hyatt hotel on Broad Street. ~weird~

Enjoy your weekend everyone, I'll read your posts on Monday!!!

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