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From: richard
Date: Wed May 14, 2003 10:36pm
Subject: Re: [Derren Brown] frogs into princes

Hi Kirky - a double post reply ; re. Mind Games ; its v.difficult to give
assistance as you haven't said what you are doing to achieve the suggestible
'state' , and what you can do is largely dependent on the quality of the state
you induce. As general 'rules' ; keep all suggestions positive & within the
moral/ethical framework of the individual concerned so that the suggestions are
acceptable - the second is obviously easier to do when you know the person. As
for Frogs & Princes - don't take it as gospel ( I'm not anti-NLP but it isn't
the be-all & end all -& its a credit to the NLP'ers i've come across in this
group that they
haven't been suckered by some of the outlandish claims made by latter-day NLP).
The early NLP stuff modelled on still earlier hypnosis/psychotherapy techniques
can be very useful but even they are not fool-proof. But Trance-Formations IS a
good purchase!

You may have come across posts about NLP 'eye-accessing cues' ; ditto not
wholly reliable but worth studying ; to which I can add some other info. about
studying eyes.
Interest Level : You probably know already about 'pupil dilation' occurring
when some-one is interested in - whatever - though a tad difficult to gauge in
people with dark brown irises.
An easier gauge is to study the upper eye-lids position in relation to the
pupils & irises.
When the upper eye-lids are positioned anywhere between the top 'curve' of the
pupil & the top 'curve' of the iris ; the person is interested in - whatever -
( not necessarily at a conscious level ). Exposure of the white of the eye
between the upper eye-lids & the top curve of the irises if momentary shows a
very heightened state of interest , though if that continues and results in a
large portion of the upper white of the eyes being exposed it's v.probably
revealing an undesirable state , for example , acute fear or alarm.
Also , study the corners of the eyes nearest the pink tear-ducts ; when
some-one isn't in agreement with what they are seeing or hearing etc. - those
corners tense up , in many instances totally covering the 'tear ducts' , and
relax when something of agreeable interest is said , seen , or felt. This
occurs unconsciously - and not necessarily in tandem with the tension or
relaxation of other muscles such as those along the brow and fore-head. Its a
bit more difficult to study in oriental people where the tear ducts and attach
pink muscles are covered by a fold of skin , but even there just concentrating
of the level of tension/relaxation in the extreme corners of the eyes closest
to the nose will suffice.
Remember that in isolation all this stuff are just indicators - its when a lot
of indicators come together that you can begin to accurately 'read' what
another person is thinking or feeling....
and it is worth the effort!

-----Original Message-----
From : kirsten watkiss
To : derrenbrown@y...
Date : 14 May 2003 17:30:26
Subject : [Derren Brown] frogs into princes
oh my god my copy just came in the post!!! yay, im so happy, cant wait to
>read it. after ive finished im going to buy trance formations as recomended
>by my friends father. cant wait, my GCSEs are nerely over and i can invest
>more effort in this.
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