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Message ID: 05401[ Previous ]    [ Next ]    [ Up Thread ]

From: the_small_handed_one
Date: Tue May 13, 2003 7:49pm
Subject: Re: newcasle

--- In a previous message, bingomite wrote:
> > No, unluckily I was not on stage, I was in the circle. Sure? I
> > alot of funny looks, I suppose you don't see unusually short
> females
> > walking about very often.
> >
> > hannah xxx
> ive seen quite a few short females in my time but im not sure about
> unusually short ones , im sure i would of remembered you especially
> if you were wearing a top hat, also i was high high up in the
> way high so if i would of seen you all i would of seen is a sitting
> down circle :-)

lmao, ah, true true. Shame. You from newcastle then?

RepliesAuthorYahoo! IDDateSize
5409: Re: newcaslebingomitebingomiteTue 13/05/20033 KB
5420: Re: newcaslethe_small_handed_onethe_small_handed_oneWed 14/05/20032 KB
5424: Re: newcaslethe_small_handed_onethe_small_handed_oneWed 14/05/20032 KB

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