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From: tallbird77
Date: Tue May 13, 2003 5:09pm
Subject: Hastings show

I was also at the Hastings show on the 9th and am the girlfriend of
Lee `the tramp' Baker. Entirely my fault we were right at the front
slap bang in the middle and within easy `picking on' distance. Mental
note for future bookings - do not let Internet choose what it thinks
are the best seats!!! Mind you it turned out for the best especially
as paper balls and toy kittens were thrown backwards into the
audience to select the next victim.

Anyway, thought show was fab especially the second half which left my
gob well and truly smacked! Only met Derren after the show by chance
as Lee overheard someone say he was coming out for signings. That was
the icing on the cake. Wasn't prepared, so like many others grabbed a
flyer plus my ticket for him to sign. Seemed really nice. The signed
stuff is now framed as momento to a great evening (is that really

Would love to see another show to study the psychological aspect.

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