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From: hypersang
Date: Mon May 12, 2003 5:49pm
Subject: Re: lewisham (gratitude to sang!)

Hello Poppy,

Glad to hear you got to your friends house safely - Lewisham isn't
the safest place and nor is travelling home at night on your own!

You're very welcome to get the ticket off me; I'd rather offer the
ticket to someone who is already a Derren fan than another friend of
mine who won't necessarily appreciate it as much.

It was very intriguing to see what kind of fans Derren had on the
Internet. You was not a bore, you had kept me company which was very
nice - thank you.

I thank you again for joining me to wait for Derren after the show
in the cold.

I was very happy to have met Derren and he was chuffed when I asked
him to sign a few books for me! It meant a lot to me – so if you
ever read this… Thank you Derren!

I'm sorry to hear that you didn't get a chance to speak to Derren.
Not sure what I can say... maybe you can turn up after the Croydon
show and hopefully he will be around to speak.

As for the show, I was very pleased with the performance and
thoroughly enjoyed it! I would like to point out to the people who
have seen it to please not spoil it for the one's who haven't seen
the show - it's not fair!



--- In a previous message, na na
> This post is probably irrelevent to many of you, but i thought id
post it all the same! You know those days when you wake up, crippled
on a friends sofa,miles away from where you live in a daze wondering
how you got there.....! All of this to see a show! Im thinking of
having 'I AM SAD' tatooed across my forehead in the attempt to avoid
messy confrontations!Where is this going....ah, yes the show in
Lewisham last night! Finally got to see the ultimate performer,
having failed to obtain tickets through various avenues I really
have to thank Sang, whos friend dropped out and whos ticket i
obsessively persued! It was a strange night because ive never met
with anyone from the internet ( I dont meet people generally as a
rule) so seeing Sang in the fleash was a little strange, since he
had the ticket next to me! I owe you big time since if it wasnt for
your ticket i would never have been able to see the show. I think
the strangest thing of the night was that so many people assumed we
were an item!! I find it amazing how people can jump to conclusions
so quickly and can be so horribly inaccurate!! ( I dont even know
your sir name Sang!!) Sorry Sang for being such a silent bore!!
Thanks for putting up with me! Well the show was amazing and Derren
the performer does not disapoint, he has a rare gift, which i have
expressed on previous posts! After the show sang persuaded me to
come to the stage door with him and this is where the night turned
sour....It was bitterly cold and by the time Derren had appeared my
whole body was struggling to stand up, frozen solid!! I was kind of
tired having travelled Birmingham to Hampshire, Hampshire to
lewisham in the space of 24h. So it was a great shame that derren
couldnt find the time to talk to me after the show, since he was
rushing off, but i guess he was suffering more than mne at that
moment ( my tiredness pales in significance!) And in all fairness I
didnt radiate the disire of wanting to make conversation! Im a
muppet!! Na na (Poppy)
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