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From: miss_i_adler
Date: Tue May 6, 2003 10:43pm
Subject: Old Spice

Oh dear. I do hope Old Spice is not the smell you're referring to.

That was my recently deceased father's aftershave his whole life, and
if DB does any seance-type thing with that whiffing around (I have a
very sensitive nose) I'll be in pieces.

And it isn't only me: when I was born and my father came to the
hospital to visit my mother, he cuddled me as a little bundle before
he had to go home. He came back a few minutes later to find my Mum in
floods of tears, because she could smell him on my baby blankets, and
was amazed.

Very powerful things, smells. Especially that one.

Let's hope it's just coconut :-)

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