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From: Jo
Date: Mon May 5, 2003 3:55pm
Subject: [Derren Brown] Re: derren's sense of humor

lol well they wernt as much jokes as comments that were humorous. We
got to meet him at about 11:30pm and he was there leaning against the
wall like James Dean signing things (well obviously) We were being
ridiculasly loud, and made very big fools of ourselves. Before it was
our turn to have something signed (we were waiting till last) there
were a bunch of drunk people and i for one am very afraid of drunk i started running in circles going "arrrgrhhhh drunk
people!!!!" and we saw Derren look over at us and ask Dave (tm) if we
were alright lol. Next the funniest thing ever happened. This drunk
man came over to us and stood litterally right in front of Derren and
was shouting his mouth of going "Is that Derren Brown here? i wanted
an autograph for me son" well because he was so totally drunk, we
couldnt resist (even tho it was right in front of Derren) going "no
no you just missed him he's not here" lol ahh dear me. then the man
said "ahh fuck the bastard then i always thoguht he was a twat!!" lol
we couldnt stop laughing cos well the fact Derren was right there in
front of this man that had just called him a twat and a bastard! but
he didn't say anything just looked annoyed and carried on signing
things. Eventually it was out turn to have tihngs signed..we handed
him about 6 programmes and he was like "ooo many things to sign for
all your friends" so we laughed and told him our names, my friends
name is irish and so Derren asked if his name was irish, and we didnt
know so we just made a joke about how we didnt know (by this point
derren was very irritated by our general exsistance, dont blame him
really) i then stupidly told him it was all his fault that one of my
friends couldnt go...he didnt seem to take that joke very much bless
him. Next a girl came up to him and said "hi remember me it's mary!"
derren didnt know who the fuck she was but he pretended he did, then
he said he should of hypnotised her and he did a little impression of
a i said hmm lovelly chicken then i put my fingers down
my mouth for sickly commical purposes (derren laughed but you could
tell he was very proud of his chicken impression really) then we made
a few more random jokes about pointless things, while dave
(tourmanager) kept trying to show off my doing tricks on derren. he
shook all our hands (i have a hand phobia lol dont laugh) so i said
that and he laughed and said "ahhh i should of known" he was waiting
for us to say sometihng about how great the show was but we didnt we
forgot (oooops) and so we said thankyou, made a few more funny
comments on people and dave..and we left. It wasn't till afterwards
we all went SHIT!!! we made idiot's of ourselves and Derren was most
certainly not amused.....

--- In a previous message, Plum Chum
> :P What jokes were you making at him? I was just wondering, what
sort of things does Derren say to people when he meets them?
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RepliesAuthorYahoo! IDDateSize
5119: Re: derren's sense of humorna nanotthatsmart2003Mon 05/05/20036 KB
5127: Re: derren's sense of humorJosiantia_shakiraMon 05/05/20036 KB

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