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From: m_fischer2003
Date: Thu May 1, 2003 7:10pm
Subject: Extra London tour date

I wonder if anyone knows anything about this extra date? It's
mentioned on Derren's website. June 8th - but does anyone know which

(Re exposure - I don't suppose there's anything wrong with magicians
speculating about methods - however inaccurate they may or may not
be - but I'm sure any decent magician would respect the ethics of
exposure and keep anything very specific to magic forums. And
especially if you're supposed to be a fan of the guy... come on. I
would welcome a moderator now this has grown. Magic seems a big
business on the net and it's worth not allowing this to be a place
where ethics go out the window. But I don't know how a non-magic
group is expected to moderate against exposure, when presumably the
trend would be to want to find out how things are done. I think the
only answer is for magicians, especially those who are fans of
Derren, to behave ethically and professionally. I really think
that's all. Regardless of how inaccurate or accurate some
suggestions may be, I can only imagine that Derren will shift from
(if he hasn't already) being a fan of this group to disliking it and
withdrawing any support. As a man with a background in magic and a
good sense of ethics, I would guess, I can't see him supporting such
things, regardless of whether it relates to his own work. He's a
brilliant man and a few wild stabs by wannabe-spoilsports aren't
going to affect him. But it's a shame if he stope being a fan of his
own fan site, and it's a shame if it's due to one guy here. Or maybe
it is him stirring up trouble...)

Thanks, just my thoughts.

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