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From: Paulo Romani
Date: Thu May 1, 2003 10:29am
Subject: Re: [Derren Brown] Re: Dog Track??

Yes, this is the magician's stance. The lie detector would have gone off
the chart there.

I'm not flaming you here derek - I'm sure you're a talented magician and
I've enjoyed your contributions, but do you *honestly* not give a damn how
he did it? I simply don't believe you. You're a magician and you're saying
you couldn't give a damn. Oh come on..... (Jeremy Paxman style) :)

As much as any magician could rant on about how he doesn't need to know
because it would spoil the beauty of the effect, I think it's actually utter
rubbish. I'm not pro exposure, but for your own head.... Seriously, I
can't believe that anyone would go to the trouble of signing up to this
group if they didn't want to know. A large majority of us are here thanks
to the excellent effects we've seen performed on MC.

I agree he's given the magic profession a boost, and I think one of the
reasons is for his modern approach and attitude. Much more current than my
earlier memories of the "now that's magic" smug approach that plagued magic


To be honest I don't give a damn how he did it. Derren is firstly an
entertainer. What he does, that is, what the general public perceive
he does is absolutely fantastic. The knowledge and perception he
has, has earned him great respect. Not only that but he's given
magic and magicians a great popularity boost

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RepliesAuthorYahoo! IDDateSize
5056: Re: Dog Track??Derekderek_heronSat 03/05/20034 KB

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