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From: richard
Date: Mon Apr 28, 2003 9:36pm
Subject: Re: [Derren Brown] live show/numbers

If taken on a parallel basis ; the Executors of Milton Erickson & Virginia
Satir - and arguably
Alfred Korzybski who verbatim stated what later became an NLP tenet " The map
is not the territory " + the still very much alive Chomsky - would have a legal
field day against the likes of Bandler & Grinder over intellectual property
rights & plagiarism viz. the development of NLP. As it is, only Bandler &
Grinder appear to be at each jugulars on the legal front....the rest consented
, aquiesced , or otherwise didn't give a flying 'f**t' in the interests of
knowledge being made more widely available & thus providing more opportunities
to build on what came before. Perhaps that's where conventional magic has a
basic problem ; a culture of secrecy
that's stiffling ( and perhaps killing ) its growth and public interest in it
as a form of entertainment. Derek , we all know that however polished the
performance , however originally presented , conventional 'magic' is just great
non-sense ( i mean that literally , not as a put down ) so if some-one in this
group works out how any magic trick is actually done & makes that info. known ,
its really no threat to those , like yourself , who make their living from such
entertainment ,anymore than DIY'ers represent to true professionals in the
building industry ( and probably gives you a better opportunity to
differentiate your professional skills from the gifted - and not so gifted -
amateurs). Lets give the giving of knowledge the benefit of the doubt , and the
recipients of that knowledge the benefit of the doubt that they'll have the
wisdom to use & expand upon it!
Respect & TTFN

-----Original Message-----
From : claudine4u2001
To : derrenbrown@y...
Date : 28 April 2003 21:11:15
Subject : [Derren Brown] live show/numbers
When a magician purchases a trick, they not
>>only purchase the apperatus and the secret or method but also
>>(generally) the rights to perform that trick. However the purchaser
>>did not invent the trick and therefore does not have the right to
>>disclose the secret behind it. This especially on a public group.
>Which particular statute or case law refers to this? I just wondered what
>the legal authority is for saying that. Is it a professional legal opinion,
>or a popular misconception?
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