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Message ID: 04779[ Previous ]    [ Next ]    [ Up Thread ]

From: Adele
Date: Sun Apr 27, 2003 5:18pm
Subject: Re: A Few Questions To Everyone!

I am probly one of the oldest! I am 33. And although I have always
been interested in psychology, body language and people watching it
wasn't until I first saw Derren that I really became obsessed with
the subject. I had already learnt about NLP thru Anthony Robbins and
had read books and listened to tapes. Derren just put a completely
different slant on it for me.
Mind you he would hate me as I am an alternative therapist and as
we all know he has no time for aromatherapy and the like. Mind you I
think after an Indian head massage from me he would relent a
little! ;oD
What about you?

--- In a previous message, Roz
> Hi,
> I was just wondering how old most of you are, how long you have
> learning your mindskills - which ones and if you started becuase of
> seeing Derren Brown.
> Also, does anybody know how old Derren was when he started
> Thank You
> Roz

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