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From: hypersang
Date: Sun Apr 27, 2003 2:54pm
Subject: News of the World Article: Sunday 27 April 2003

News of the World: Sunday 27 April 2003


TV's headbender Derren Brown reveals to Sunday the 10 awe-inspiring
tricks that could change your life. (by Marina Cantacuzino)

Derren Brown's amazing ability to read minds and influence people has
got the whole nation talking. The star of hit Channel 4 series Derren
Brown: Mind Control has baffled audiences with his tricks -
convincing a group of students they had toothache and getting bookies
to pay out on losing bets.

But Derren, 32, admits his other-worldly talents aren't always
appreciated. "People do recognise me in the street." he says. "But
many of them rush past. They're scared of what I might do!"

"I used to do mind tricks all the time to impress girls - and it
worked. But I could never tell if a girl has fallen for me or my mind
techniques. Now I'm leaving the trickery out of relationships - until
I meet a supermodel!"

So read on for Derren's step-by-step guide to winning people over.

How to tell if someone fancies you:
The most obvious signal people give out is pupil dilation - their
eyes get bigger. Also, look at their feet - they will unconsciously
be pointing towards you if they are interested.

Try reaching across your date for something, invading their space. If
they reel away, it's a bad sign - if not, they feel comfortable with

How to make someone fancy you:
My method is to create a happiness trigger that they will associate
with you. Get your target to talk about a happy memory - like a
holiday - and create a trigger by drumming your fingers or something
while they talk.

Their mind will start to associate that happy feeling with your
actions. So when you want to ask them for a dance later on, drum your
fingers again, look them in the eyes and ask them. The happiness
trigger should kick in and those warm, lovely feelings will be
associated with you!

How to reignite the flames of passion:
There's a simple way to make yourself feel better about your partner.
Firstly take all your unpleasant memories of them and mentally shrink
them so they look like black and white photos.

Next, make another mental line showing bright, vibrant images of your
partner - and all their good points. This ling will stretch into the
future, so imagine how you'd like to end up together, happy and

Finally, quickly flick through both lines of pictures in your head.
Start with the images of your past, and fast-forward through them to
the colourful future pictures. You'll soon view your partner in a
better light.

How to tell if someone is lying to you:
Firstly, you need to establish the "truth spot" - the place their
eyes look when they're being honest. Ask them a question which you
know they will answer truthfully and watch their eyes. Then ask them
something they might not tell the truth about. If they are lying,
their eyes will go to a different place.

How to tell if your partner is having an affair:
Use the same methods as above. Look for a truth pattern by watching
where their eyes wandering as they truthfully answer a question. See
if it's interrupted when you ask them what they were doing last
night. People often slow down if they tell a fib - and they may
well start to waffle too.

How to cover up if you are lying:
They way to lie convincingly is to describe what really did happen -
but the night BEFORE the one you're being asked about. If it is a
genuine memory, your eyes will go to the same place to retrieve it.

How to tell if the bank manager will give you a loan:
This is a bit like finding out if a person is lying. Establish a
truth pattern by asking them a question to which they can honestly
answer "yes". For instance: "Do a lot of people like me come here for
loans?" Watch what they do with their eyes as they answer. Next, ask
them a direct question about your loan. Do their eyes go to the same
place? If so, it's likely you'll get the cash.

How to make the bank manager give you a loan:
If you nod to them as you talk about your loan, the simple action
could help push the meeting in your favour. You are encouraging him
to be positive.

Try mimicking his body language. You want him to believe you think
like him, so move and act like him. He's far more likely to grant you
what you want.

How to tell if your boss likes you:
If there is respect, your boss will mirror your blinking and
breathing rates, and their language will become similar to yours.
Engage them in a long conversation and fix them with a gaze. If they
continuously break eye contact, they can't relate to you.

How to cope if you don't like your boss:
Start by shrinking any scary images of your boss into insignificant,
blurred black and white images. Next, concentrate on the good times
you've had at work - few times your boss has praised you, or the last
time you had genuine job satisfaction. Make these images huge,
colourful and bright, while forcing the black and white blurred bully
pictures into the background. By morning, you'll be able to look your
boss in the face with new confidence.

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