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Message ID: 04749[ Previous ]    [ Next ]    [ Up Thread ]

From: *~*alex*~*
Date: Sat Apr 26, 2003 11:23pm
Subject: [Derren Brown] blah..

Hi aria:)
I think your website is great! im glad derren liked it:) v original
and amusing - a nice distraction from my essay im half way through
writing (im gonna be up all night! *sigh*..)

yeah...posts have been slightly random lately! enough of the petty
as for taxidermy - rather sinister i think.. i suppose they hold a
morbid fascination for some! i hate to imagine the menagerie of
stuffed animals derren has in his house! and the musty smell?! hehe.

im insanely envious of everyone who's seen derren on tour. do you
think we could get him to do another webchat once he finishes the
tour? hope so! :)


--- In a previous message, aria_di_cap0
> and now i'm getting very bored, c'mon guys isn't there more
> interesting things to talk about? I quite liked the question about
> taxidermy personally-the whole thing baffles me, i prefer my pets
> alive!! though at least you can go on holiday without any worries :)
> aria x
> ps. DB likes my site, that all i'm going to say ;)

RepliesAuthorYahoo! IDDateSize
4750: Re: blah..aria_di_cap0aria_di_cap0Sat 26/04/20033 KB
4752: Re: blah..killerb_0187killerb_0187Sat 26/04/20033 KB

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