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Message ID: 04566[ Previous ]    [ Next ]    [ Up Thread ]

From: dale_kingstons_world_of_art
Date: Thu Apr 17, 2003 11:34am
Subject: Re: Gangbangs, stalking and general BS in this group

--- In a previous message, nxnzerx
>Now it appears to be a hangout for immature people who have
> nothing better to do than post pointless messages that have
> to do with the point of this group (Which incidentally was to
> discuss the methods and effects used by Derren).

No, the group was primarily set up to discuss the gorgeousness of
Derren. See the early messages.

RepliesAuthorYahoo! IDDateSize
4567: Re: Gangbangs, stalking and general BS in this groupKirsty SmithksasmithThu 17/04/20032 KB
4572: Re: Gangbangs, stalking and general BS in this groupnxnzerxnxnzerxThu 17/04/20033 KB
4598: Re: Gangbangs, stalking and general BS in this groupmat_2001matmat_2001matSat 19/04/20034 KB

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