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From: marcthomashogan
Date: Sat Apr 12, 2003 3:07am
Subject: Re: What is needed to trigger anchors - Persuasion-skills

Ooooohhh this is a good one....

--- In a previous message Greg S
> Thanks to Marc and Blue Chip for their replies.
> BC wrote:
> > Do you not agree with the concept of sliding
> anchors?
> > Where the essense is not to use the same spot.
> I tried something today in a meeting. There were two
> of us in the room, and also one guy on the phone from
> the US.
> A few times while the person from the US was talking
> on the speakerphone (quite softly, actually), and the
> guy opposite me was listening really hard, I lightly
> flicked my ear to anchor the "paying attention" state
> in him.


Firstly did he see you do it or was he too busy listening?

Secondly had you a strong paying attention state?

> And when the guy opposite me was contributing to the
> discussion, I used a sliding anchor (pen) to align
> with how passionately he was talking.

This is good, however:

Firstly did you engage in that passion yourself

2) When he got really excited and you slid the pen up - did you get

And say something like "Wow your so excited about this"...

3)Did you anchor a spot when he was quiet less passionate

Pulling the pen backward

You becoming less pationate with all your sensess

Perhaps even sayin "well I feel quite neutral about that"

Now with the anchor set, you could fire it at any point, remembering
to change your state accordingly

> Then I tried something ... while the guy opposite me
> was busy talking I retracted the pen to the "zero
> passion / zero content" position, and then immediately
> flicked my ear.
> The idea was to see whether this affected his talking.
> Would it make him stop? Lose his train of thought?
> What?
> What was interesting was what actually happened ...
> nothing. No reaction whatsoever from the guy opposite
> me. He just kep talking at the same pace. I tried it
> again about 10 minutes later - and still nothing.
> Thoughts? Comments?

If you had ensured some of the above you would have got a response
with the pen, I'm not so sure about the ear anchor.

Try this little exercise when you meet people

Go into a very relaxed open state and watch the response

Then change your state to an excited one - whilst engaging them in

Again watch the response.

Then go inside to aquite reflective state

Watch the resonse...

Let me know how you Get on....

> > >and she has no stronger competing states of
> consciousness
> > > when I begin, it will always re-access that
> experience."
> >
> >So you need to re-access her state, thru youur state!
> I seem to have read this sentence completely
> differently. I think. I thought it was saying that if
> she is experiencing a very strong emotion X, then
> trying to trigger Y in her will be more difficult. On
> the one hand that makes sense. On the other hand,
> anchors are meant to be all about changing emotions.
> Sigh.

Thats is actually whats happening - if you pace and lead her whilst
firing the anchor and bringing your state up her state will also
improve, however it might not be instant, depending on her current

Again try the exercise above and let us know what happen!

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