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Message ID: 04185[ Previous ]    [ Next ]    [ Up Thread ]

From: Derek
Date: Mon Apr 7, 2003 9:44pm
Subject: Re: [Derren Brown] hypnosis

Sorry Guys, the only way hypnosis works is if you really want to
give up DB and related habits. Accept the fact that you are
incurable. Acceptance is the first step to self-help ;^)

RepliesAuthorYahoo IDDateSize
4198: Re: hypnosisaria_da_cap0aria_da_cap0Tue 08/04/20032 KB
4227: Re: hypnosisaria_da_cap0aria_da_cap0Tue 08/04/20032 KB
4229: Re: hypnosisderek_heronderek_heronTue 08/04/20032 KB

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