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From: Derek
Date: Wed Apr 2, 2003 3:37pm
Subject: Re: Question on

***This is my second attempt at this post the first got lost in the
void of the internet, If it appears then my apologies for this

Just two points to raise here.

1. Nobody should be calling anyone a TWAT, sorry, but it's out of
order on a board.

2. If someone takjes the time to research the clue to a password to a
magic site then they are obviously interested in the art and deserve
the break.

Likewise if I posted the password on this site it is only going to be
seen by people interested enough to find this site and to read
through enough posts to come across it. And then so-what, they'll
either use it (no harm done) or ignore it (no harm done)

If (which I doubt) they do change the password, any working magician
who is reasonably well read in their profession will have no
problem. Every magician in the world should know the answer to the
current clue (if you don't you're either an amateur magician or you
have to read a lot more.) If they do change it, I'm not going to
tell the password, it's not worth the grief 8^)

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