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From: Ria
Date: Mon Mar 31, 2003 9:59pm
Subject: Re: setting up people before the show kind of (stevenage)

I was going to say this in the report but decided against it since it
was going into public domain - but just so long as we're here, I'll

When I was sitting in the bar at Swansea theatre, and Derren came in -
he went STRAIGHT OVER to a woman standing at the bar behind me,
clipboard in hand. I overheard the very conversation described in
Stevenage - "Think of someone whose passed away recently - though
nobody too close to you, if it might upset you. Write it down, or
just think about it - but DONT TELL ANYONE ELSE, AND DONT SHOW THE

He had a clipboard, but only used it twice- once to unclip a piece of
paper should the lady need it, and the second time to tick off
something - perhaps a to do list ;)

Anyhow - sure enough - the woman was picked at the end of the show.
But when I spoke to her afterwards, she also said that she hadn't
told ANYONE anything, and hadn't actually made her mind up until she
actually got onstage.

She ended up thinking about her friends mother -= befoe that she'd
thought of her own mother - and had written that down on the paper -
but derren still got it right.

She was very shaken up by it all and got a hug and a kiss off derren
for being so nice about it and so easy to work with. Even if prep was
involved, I don't think there was anything TOO sneaky.... at least...
i dont KNOW - after all derren WAS a magician - he's used to fooling
people and playing dirty tricks by now - so whats stopping him from
doing that still?


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