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From: ganetauk
Date: Mon Mar 31, 2003 7:54pm
Subject: Re: The anchor at the bookshop

I am writing this quickly with a pen thats gonna out
soon...ok bare with me ok

think of an animal? ...not a cat... lol something else

flick of the eye.....a key word...a pause...then the handing over of
a book....the external sounds made by the guy....kinda made the
situation alittle different...weeeeellllll, different for a while...i
mean, when you hand him a book now, he does it all the time.

"1a. his receiving books happens all the time, and I wouldn't have
thought a single anchored event would over-ride all the other
handovers "

To be clear, "handing over books" was the anchor for a "sound making"
(handing over books WAS/IS the anchor - ie. i wanted something that
happened all the time - producing a state in the person who hands the
guy"this guy is a few french fries short of a happy
meal" :oP ).

I made sure i made the state intense by saying "would you like to try
your stuff on me?"(staying vague - was i talking about the book, or
the sounds etc) - i also pointed to his chest area - his breathing
changed for some odd reason...hmmm

This interrupted the person's pattern (in a number of ways) AT the
same time i handed or "forced" :oP the book over - alla hand shake
induction - offer book (using right hand), hold his wrist with other
hand before he takes it(left hand), then i place the book in his
hand, still holding his i do a slightly lift the book and
his hand (alittle induction adder :oP) annnnnnyyyyway... (did you
just get a new induction? a variation on a handshake induction, i

(adding head nods to confirm "something" is gonna on here. and also
said "you have this now"(what? the book? etc)
(with the magic inflection - if you did not come to cotech chats, you
might not understand the magic inflection bit. But you do know
something now, come to the chats and you understand more than you
understand now, do you understand that? Just for the record thats... ....but don't let me influence you, ok?)

About the "over riding"...well simply think about this...if you
light four matches, and on the third match you burn yourself, which
did you recall? Feel free to think about it now, i wonder, since its
a free choice, which you'll choose?

"1b. Further comments on choosing non-everyday-events/words as
anchors would be useful here, please."

Not sure what you mean specifcally by this. Maybe you can choose to
rephrase and i will try and answer or come to that chat, look above i
think for the link, and ask?

"2. in spite of the above, surely such an anchor would only be tied
to you - and it would have no value when others handed over books?"

Regardless of who calls me on my phone, it works as an anchor. Does
that, at some level, answer your question?

Its easier to explain person to person, because you can stop and
say "oh, i understand what you are saying here" etc. You know?

Regards Terry...

> 1b. Further comments on choosing
> non-everyday-events/words as anchors would be useful
> here, please.
> 2. in spite of the above, surely such an anchor would
> only be tied to you - and it would have no value when
> others handed over books?

--- In a previous message Greg S
> (I can't find the original post, but I think it was
> yours, Terry.)
> I'm curious to know what anchor you used on the guy.
> I would have thought it had to be more than just
> "handing over the book", for a couple of reasons:
> 1a. his receiving books happens all the time, and I
> wouldn't have thought a single anchored event would
> over-ride all the other handovers
> 1b. Further comments on choosing
> non-everyday-events/words as anchors would be useful
> here, please.
> 2. in spite of the above, surely such an anchor would
> only be tied to you - and it would have no value when
> others handed over books?
> Your comments would be appreciated.
> Greg __________________________________________________
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