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From: killerb_0187
Date: Sat Mar 29, 2003 10:00pm
Subject: Re: Derren Brown Scare...

--- In a previous message hypersang" wrote:
> Hi all,
> I thought the intro of this week's Mind Control was hilarious!
> that I've been fooled by this on the Internet before so I didn't
> fooled by this one - kinda a giveaway when he said come close for
> this one... and especially when he said there's something wrong
> this picture to make us look for it... did anyone get fooled on
> one - please give feedback because I want to know your reactions.
> Before I mention the 2nd hilarious thing - please please don't
> a long flame like before about 'being gay' - thanks.
> OK here goes...the lie detector one where Derren says to the
guy "You
> turn me on Grant...", he actually was telling him to turn on the
> Detector machine but I thought it was funny as Derren usually sames
> ambigious words - he should have known not to say that!

Yeah, but sometimes things come out wrong. Sometimes I say dirty
sounding things, but don't mean it in that way... It's totally taken
out of context to what I'm saying, and I don't realise what I've said
until afterwards... I think maybe this is what happened to Derren. If
you listen, he says it quite fast, and i dont think that salesman
picked up on it either!

> Sang

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