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From: hypersang
Date: Sat Mar 29, 2003 2:00pm
Subject: [Derren Brown] Re: Richard Bandler tonight

Hi Poppy (na na).

Don't worry about it, I'll tell you a story of what happened to me if
it makes you any happier...

OK, I wanted a book called 'Cards As Weapons' by Ricky Jay and on the
internet it was damn expensive. I called International Magic to ask
if they have it and they said no it's out of print, and I asked for
any alternatives on the subject of card spinning and card throwing.
The chap said to speak to Jerry when he came in, at the time I didn't
realise Jerry Sadowitz was working there - i thought it was any old
Jerry LOL. So I called again the next day and I spoke to Jerry about
it, got the recommendation and said i'll pop in to buy it so I did.
To my shock there was Jerry Sadowitz [one of my fav magicians!]
standing there selling/showing a card trick to someone.

I went up to him and said hi I came to get this vid/dvd and he asked
why I wanted to do this and I couldn't give him a proper answer. I
don't think he was too happy that I wanted to just do silly
flourishes and mess around - and i learned from that! Spending £250+
on that book is pointless and can buy a LOT of other great books and
vids for that price.

I also found that Jerry isn't very open unless he knows you're
serious [which sounds horrible but it makes sense]. So if he does
give you advice on something - LISTEN! He's given me a few tips and
what books to go for etc. As long as they know you're serious about
magic/mentalism they will help you, but it helps if you know what you
want out of it. If you're just someone who wants to imitate someone
ie. Derren Brown then they probably won't help.

I totally understand their point of view about magic now... Magic
isn't something that you just mess around with, it should be taken
seriously and I've read Derren's Absolute Magic and its brilliant. He
gives you his model of how you should be doing Magic ie. Why go up to
a group of people and perform a trick straight away when you should
be introducing yourself to them and let them get a wonder and
intrigue about you. Only then should you pull out a packet of cards
or whatever and perform something spectacular. Not only will they
like your tricks but they will like you as a person, and will likely
to remember your trick for the rest of their lives probably.

Just a few of my points there about Magic/Mentalism, not sure if it's
relevant to a lot of you Derren wannabe's but hopefully good for you
magicians probably :)


--- In a previous message na na wrote:
> Thanks for the reply! your right about the shop it was the one on
clerkenwell rd, and i only went in since it is opposite to where im
working at the moment! Anyway im always paronoid about what people
think of me, so i probably thought they were being much ruder than
they were! Also I probably dont look like the sterotypical person who
would go in a place like that and so subsequently i felt all eyes
were on my every move! I think it was a case of three men verses one
very shy girl! I was always going to feel a target! Perhaps i'll go
in again next week and try to overcome my phobia of people! Out of
all the shops to go in, why oh why did i pick one of the most
respected ones. I feel kind of stupid now!
> na na( Fuck this my real names Poppy!)
> hypersang wrote: Hi Na na...
> OK first off, I believe the shop you went to is in
> fact 'International Magic' on Clerkenwell Road - which is a
> magic shop. Derren Brown used to go there a lot and shows Jerry
> Sadowitz tricks there too - thanks to Jerry, Derren has a TV show
> (this is also mentioned on article/link posted recently).
> I understand why you felt intimerdated there, it is because you
> there to buy something that they didn't actually sell. I also think
> it's because you are trying to learn Derren Brown's stuff.
> The guy's behind the counter are usually very helpful if you do
> what you want and why. If you don't then im sure they'll be able to
> guide you. I think they got the sense that you wanted to do what
> Derren Brown is doing and they kinda know you're going in the wrong
> direction and that you wasn't someone interested in Magic/Mentalism.
> Pure Effect isn't sold in normal book shops - which is why I assume
> the shop mentioned is Internation Magic... closest tube stations
> Chancery Lane (closed at the moment) and Farringdon.
> This is all based on assumption so if im wrong or if you didn't
> understand what im saying there then sorry! :)
> Sang

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