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From: trentretro
Date: Tue Mar 25, 2003 11:51pm
Subject: Re: ouija boards

derren doesn't believe in the after life, he starts the second half
with a wee story about the first case of 'contacting the dead' and
the begining of spiritualism and then says the people that did it
afterwards admitted they'd been faking but TOO LATE! talking to the
dead had taken off!

and how he does the board thing, bet it's to do with the magic
training side of things he knows.

--- In a previous message na na wrote:
> ok, heres a topic for all you magic boffs out there. I went to
boarding school for 7 years and naturally entertainment in the
evenings always seemed to gravitate towards a glass and a ouija
board that was passed down the years. There were only 12 girls in
our year and when we were all 16 we spent several hours each
night "calling the dead!" This went on for weeks and drove several
people nuts!!
> However, I dont believe in an afterlife or dead people talking
etc... As far as i was aware everything that arose from the board
was a manifestation of a deep thought of one of the girls. Often we
could blatently see which person was moving the glass, but when you
told them they would deny doing anything at all. It also seemed that
certain combeinations of people would result in sweet f.a.
> I know that Derrens show has something like this in the second
half, but if anyone can enlighten me as to their experiences with
the board and how the bloody thing works please do. na na.
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